PHP Интерфейс CommerceGuys\Zone\Matcher\ZoneMatcherInterface

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
match ( CommerceGuys\Addressing\AddressInterface $address, string | null $scope = null ) : CommerceGuys\Zone\Model\ZoneInterface | null Returns the best matching zone for the provided address.
matchAll ( CommerceGuys\Addressing\AddressInterface $address, string | null $scope = null ) : CommerceGuys\Zone\Model\ZoneInterface[] Returns all matching zones for the provided address.

Описание методов

match() публичный Метод

Returns the best matching zone for the provided address.
public match ( CommerceGuys\Addressing\AddressInterface $address, string | null $scope = null ) : CommerceGuys\Zone\Model\ZoneInterface | null
$address CommerceGuys\Addressing\AddressInterface
$scope string | null
Результат CommerceGuys\Zone\Model\ZoneInterface | null

matchAll() публичный Метод

Returns all matching zones for the provided address.
public matchAll ( CommerceGuys\Addressing\AddressInterface $address, string | null $scope = null ) : CommerceGuys\Zone\Model\ZoneInterface[]
$address CommerceGuys\Addressing\AddressInterface
$scope string | null
Результат CommerceGuys\Zone\Model\ZoneInterface[]