PHP Интерфейс Inpsyde\MultilingualPress\Common\Factory

С версии: 3.0.0
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
create ( array $args = [], string $class = '' ) : object Returns a new object of the given (or default) class, instantiated with the given arguments.

Описание методов

create() публичный метод

Returns a new object of the given (or default) class, instantiated with the given arguments.
С версии: 3.0.0
public create ( array $args = [], string $class = '' ) : object
$args array Optional. Constructor arguments. Defaults to empty array.
$class string Optional. Fully qualified class name. Defaults to empty string.
Результат object Object of the given (or default) class, instantiated with the given arguments.