PHP Интерфейс Neos\Flow\Persistence\Generic\Backend\BackendInterface

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
commit ( ) : void Commits the current persistence session
getObjectCountByQuery ( Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface $query ) : integer Returns the number of items matching the query.
getObjectDataByIdentifier ( string $identifier, string $objectType = null ) : array Returns the object data for the given identifier.
getObjectDataByQuery ( Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface $query ) : array Returns the object data matching the $query.
initialize ( array $options ) : void Initializes the backend
isConnected ( ) : boolean Returns TRUE, if an active connection to the persistence backend has been established, e.g. entities can be persisted.
setAggregateRootObjects ( SplObjectStorage $objects ) : void Sets the aggregate root objects
setChangedEntities ( SplObjectStorage $entities ) : void Sets the changed objects
setDeletedEntities ( SplObjectStorage $entities ) : void Sets the deleted entities
setPersistenceManager ( Neos\Flow\Persistence\PersistenceManagerInterface $persistenceManager ) : void Set a PersistenceManager instance.

Описание методов

commit() публичный Метод

Commits the current persistence session
public commit ( ) : void
Результат void

getObjectCountByQuery() публичный Метод

Returns the number of items matching the query.
public getObjectCountByQuery ( Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface $query ) : integer
$query Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface
Результат integer

getObjectDataByIdentifier() публичный Метод

Returns the object data for the given identifier.
public getObjectDataByIdentifier ( string $identifier, string $objectType = null ) : array
$identifier string The UUID or Hash of the object
$objectType string
Результат array

getObjectDataByQuery() публичный Метод

Returns the object data matching the $query.
public getObjectDataByQuery ( Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface $query ) : array
$query Neos\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface
Результат array

initialize() публичный Метод

Initializes the backend
public initialize ( array $options ) : void
$options array
Результат void

isConnected() публичный Метод

Returns TRUE, if an active connection to the persistence backend has been established, e.g. entities can be persisted.
public isConnected ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean TRUE, if an connection has been established, FALSE if add object will not be persisted by the backend

setAggregateRootObjects() публичный Метод

Sets the aggregate root objects
public setAggregateRootObjects ( SplObjectStorage $objects ) : void
$objects SplObjectStorage
Результат void

setChangedEntities() публичный Метод

Sets the changed objects
public setChangedEntities ( SplObjectStorage $entities ) : void
$entities SplObjectStorage
Результат void

setDeletedEntities() публичный Метод

Sets the deleted entities
public setDeletedEntities ( SplObjectStorage $entities ) : void
$entities SplObjectStorage
Результат void

setPersistenceManager() публичный Метод

Set a PersistenceManager instance.
public setPersistenceManager ( Neos\Flow\Persistence\PersistenceManagerInterface $persistenceManager ) : void
$persistenceManager Neos\Flow\Persistence\PersistenceManagerInterface
Результат void