PHP Интерфейс Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface

Наследование: extends Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ResourceBasedInterface
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
getAspectRatio ( boolean $respectOrientation = false ) : float Edge / aspect ratio of the image
getHeight ( ) : integer Height of the image in pixels
getOrientation ( ) : string Orientation of this image, i.e. portrait, landscape or square
getWidth ( ) : integer Width of the image in pixels
isOrientationLandscape ( ) : boolean Whether this image is in landscape orientation
isOrientationPortrait ( ) : boolean Whether this image is in portrait orientation
isOrientationSquare ( ) : boolean Whether this image is square aspect ratio and therefore has a square orientation

Описание методов

getAspectRatio() публичный Метод

Edge / aspect ratio of the image
public getAspectRatio ( boolean $respectOrientation = false ) : float
$respectOrientation boolean If false (the default), orientation is disregarded and always a value >= 1 is returned (like usual in "4 / 3" or "16 / 9")
Результат float

getHeight() публичный Метод

Height of the image in pixels
public getHeight ( ) : integer
Результат integer

getOrientation() публичный Метод

Orientation of this image, i.e. portrait, landscape or square
public getOrientation ( ) : string
Результат string One of this interface's ORIENTATION_* constants.

getWidth() публичный Метод

Width of the image in pixels
public getWidth ( ) : integer
Результат integer

isOrientationLandscape() публичный Метод

Whether this image is in landscape orientation
public isOrientationLandscape ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isOrientationPortrait() публичный Метод

Whether this image is in portrait orientation
public isOrientationPortrait ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean

isOrientationSquare() публичный Метод

Whether this image is square aspect ratio and therefore has a square orientation
public isOrientationSquare ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean