PHP Интерфейс Neos\Neos\Domain\Service\ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface

It allows to resolve a Content Dimension Preset for a given dimension and urlSegment or find a matching preset for a list of dimension values. Content Dimension Preset ======================== A Content Dimension Preset assigns an identifier to a list of dimension values. It has UI properties for a label and icon and further options for routing. The default implementation ConfigurationContentDimensionPresetSource will read the available presets from settings.
Наследование: extends Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service\ContentDimensionPresetSourceInterface
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
findPresetByUriSegment ( string $dimensionName, string $uriSegment ) : array Find a dimension preset by URI identifier

Описание методов

findPresetByUriSegment() публичный Метод

Find a dimension preset by URI identifier
public findPresetByUriSegment ( string $dimensionName, string $uriSegment ) : array
$dimensionName string The dimension name where the preset should be searched
$uriSegment string The URI segment for a Content Dimension Preset
Результат array The preset configuration, including the identifier as key "identifier" or NULL if none was found