Метод |
Описание |
Apply ( Domain $Domain, object $Entity, PropertyData $PropertyData ) : void |
Applies the supplied property data to the supplied entity instance. |
Discard ( UnitOfWork $UnitOfWork, object $Entity ) : DiscardenceData |
Discards an entity's relationships to the supplied unit of work and returns the discardence data. |
DiscardenceData ( array $DiscardenceData = [] ) : DiscardenceData |
GetCollectionProperties ( ) : Storm\Core\Object\ICollectionProperty[] |
GetDataProperties ( ) : Storm\Core\Object\IDataProperty[] |
GetEntityProperties ( ) : Storm\Core\Object\IEntityProperty[] |
GetEntityType ( ) : string |
GetIdentityProperties ( ) : Storm\Core\Object\IProperty[] |
GetProperties ( ) : Storm\Core\Object\IProperty[] |
GetProperty ( string $Identifier ) : Storm\Core\Object\IProperty | null |
Gets a property by its identifier |
GetRelationshipProperties ( ) : Storm\Core\Object\IRelationshipProperty[] |
HasIdentity ( object $Entity ) : boolean |
Whether or not the entity has a full identity. |
HasIdentityProperty ( string $Identifier ) : boolean |
Whether or not this map contains a property with the supplied identifier |
HasProperty ( string $Identifier ) : boolean |
Whether or not this map contains a property withthe supplied identifier |
HasRelationshipProperty ( string $Identifier ) : void |
Whether or not this map contains a relationship property with the supplied identifier |
Identity ( object | null $Entity = null ) : Identity |
If the entity is null returns a new blank identity otherwise returns the identity
of the supplied entity. |
InititalizeProperties ( Domain $Domain ) : void |
Initializes the properties of the entity within the context of the parent domain. |
Is ( Storm\Core\Object\IEntityMap $OtherEntityMap ) : boolean |
Whether or not this and the supplied entity map represent the same entity. |
LoadEntity ( Domain $Domain, RevivalData $RevivalData, object $Entity ) : void |
Loads an entity instance with the supplied revival data. |
Persist ( UnitOfWork $UnitOfWork, object $Entity ) : PersistenceData |
Persists an entity's relationships to the supplied unit of work and returns the persistence data. |
PersistRelationships ( UnitOfWork $UnitOfWork, object $Entity ) : PersistenceData |
Persists an entity's relationships to the supplied unit of work. |
PersistanceData ( array $PersistanceData = [] ) : PersistenceData |
RevivalData ( array $RevivalData = [] ) : RevivalData |
ReviveEntities ( Domain $Domain, array $RevivalDataArray ) : object[] |
Revives an array of entities from the supplied array of revival data. |