PHP Интерфейс Sulu\Bundle\MediaBundle\Media\FormatOptions\FormatOptionsManagerInterface

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
delete ( $mediaId, $formatKey ) Deletes a format option, identified by the id of the file-version and the key of the format.
get ( $mediaId, $formatKey ) : array Returns the options for a single media identified by the id of the media and the key of the format.
getAll ( $mediaId ) : mixed Returns the options for all formats for a single media identified by its id.
save ( integer $mediaId, string $formatKey, array $data ) : FormatOptions Creates or changes a format options with given data.

Описание методов

delete() публичный Метод

Deletes a format option, identified by the id of the file-version and the key of the format.
public delete ( $mediaId, $formatKey )

get() публичный Метод

Returns the options for a single media identified by the id of the media and the key of the format.
public get ( $mediaId, $formatKey ) : array
Результат array

getAll() публичный Метод

Returns the options for all formats for a single media identified by its id.
public getAll ( $mediaId ) : mixed
Результат mixed

save() публичный Метод

Creates or changes a format options with given data.
public save ( integer $mediaId, string $formatKey, array $data ) : FormatOptions
$mediaId integer
$formatKey string
$data array
Результат Sulu\Bundle\MediaBundle\Entity\FormatOptions