PHP Интерфейс Sulu\Component\Webspace\Analyzer\RequestAnalyzerInterface

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
analyze ( Request $request ) Analyzes the current request, and saves the values for portal, language, country and segment for further usage.
getAnalyticsKey ( ) : string Returns the analytics key.
getAttribute ( string $name, mixed | null $default = null ) : mixed Returns request attribute with given name.
getCurrentLocalization ( ) : Localization Returns the current localization for this Request.
getGetParameters ( ) : array Returns the get parameters.
getMatchType ( ) : integer Returns the current match type for this request.
getPortal ( ) : Portal Returns the current portal for this request.
getPortalInformation ( ) : PortalInformation Returns portal-information of request.
getPortalUrl ( ) : string Returns the url of the current portal.
getPostParameters ( ) : array Returns the post parameters.
getRedirect ( ) : string Returns the redirect url.
getResourceLocator ( ) : string Returns the path of the current request, which is the url without host, language and so on.
getResourceLocatorPrefix ( ) : string Returns the prefix required before the resource locator.
getSegment ( ) : Segment Returns the current segment for this request.
getWebspace ( ) : Webspace Returns the current webspace for this request.
validate ( Request $request ) Validates the data written on the given request and throws exceptions in case something is wrong or missing.

Описание методов

analyze() публичный Метод

Analyzes the current request, and saves the values for portal, language, country and segment for further usage.
public analyze ( Request $request )
$request Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request The request to analyze

getAnalyticsKey() публичный Метод

Returns the analytics key.
public getAnalyticsKey ( ) : string
Результат string

getAttribute() публичный Метод

Returns request attribute with given name.
public getAttribute ( string $name, mixed | null $default = null ) : mixed
$name string
$default mixed | null
Результат mixed

getCurrentLocalization() публичный Метод

Returns the current localization for this Request.
public getCurrentLocalization ( ) : Localization
Результат Sulu\Component\Localization\Localization

getGetParameters() публичный Метод

Returns the get parameters.
public getGetParameters ( ) : array
Результат array

getMatchType() публичный Метод

Returns the current match type for this request.
public getMatchType ( ) : integer
Результат integer

getPortal() публичный Метод

Returns the current portal for this request.
public getPortal ( ) : Portal
Результат Sulu\Component\Webspace\Portal

getPortalInformation() публичный Метод

Returns portal-information of request.
public getPortalInformation ( ) : PortalInformation
Результат Sulu\Component\Webspace\PortalInformation

getPortalUrl() публичный Метод

Returns the url of the current portal.
public getPortalUrl ( ) : string
Результат string

getPostParameters() публичный Метод

Returns the post parameters.
public getPostParameters ( ) : array
Результат array

getRedirect() публичный Метод

Returns the redirect url.
public getRedirect ( ) : string
Результат string

getResourceLocator() публичный Метод

Returns the path of the current request, which is the url without host, language and so on.
public getResourceLocator ( ) : string
Результат string

getResourceLocatorPrefix() публичный Метод

Returns the prefix required before the resource locator.
public getResourceLocatorPrefix ( ) : string
Результат string

getSegment() публичный Метод

Returns the current segment for this request.
public getSegment ( ) : Segment
Результат Sulu\Component\Webspace\Segment

getWebspace() публичный Метод

Returns the current webspace for this request.
public getWebspace ( ) : Webspace
Результат Sulu\Component\Webspace\Webspace

validate() публичный Метод

Validates the data written on the given request and throws exceptions in case something is wrong or missing.
public validate ( Request $request )
$request Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request