PHP AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
AnnotationRegistryNodeInterface Interface for all DTOs to transfer a doctrine entity manager custom annotation configuration.
AppNodeInterface Interface for all app node implementations.
AuthConstraintNodeInterface Interface for a auth constraint DTO implementation.
AuthenticatorNodeInterface Interface for a authenticator DTO implementation.
BootstrapNodeInterface Interface for the application server's bootstrap configuration.
ConsoleNodeInterface Interface for console all nodes.
ContainerNodeInterface Interface for a container node.
ContextParamNodeInterface Interface for a context parameter DTO implementation.
CronNodeInterface Interface for a CRON node implementation.
DatabaseNodeInterface Interface for a database node implementation.
DatasourceNodeInterface Interface for datasource node implementations.
EnterpriseBeansNodeInterface Interface for enterprise beans DTO implementation.
EpbNodeInterface Interface for enterprise beans DTO implementation.
ErrorPageNodeInterface The interface for error page configuration DTO implementation.
FormLoginConfigNodeInterface Interface for a login form configuration DTO implementation.
HostNodeInterface The interface for all host node DTO implementations.
JobNodeInterface Interface for a CRON job definition.
ListenerNodeInterface Interface for a listener configuration.
LoggerNodeInterface Interface for a logger DTO implementation.
LoginConfigNodeInterface Interface for a login configuration DTO implementation.
ManagerNodeInterface Interface for the manager configuration node.
MessageQueueNodeInterface Interface for a message queue DTO implementation.
PersistenceUnitNodeInterface Interface for the persistence unit node information.
SecurityConstraintNodeInterface Interface for a security constraint DTO implementation.
SecurityNodeInterface Interface for a security DTO implementation.
SecurityRoleNodeInterface Interface for a security role DTO implementation.
ServletMappingNodeInterface Interface for a servlet mapping DTO implementation.
SessionConfigNodeInterface Interface for session configuration DTO implementation.
SessionHandlerNodeInterface Interface for all session handler DTO implementations.
VirtualHostNodeInterface Interface for virtual host node implementations.
WebAppNodeInterface The interface for a web application DTO implementation.
WebResourceCollectionNodeInterface Interface for a web resource collection DTO implementation.


Имя Описание
AbstractArgsNode Abstract node that serves nodes having a args/arg child.
AccessNode Node class which represents the Access node of the configuration.
AnalyticNode Node which represents a collection of analytic steps run on a certain URI.
AnnotationRegistryNode DTO to transfer a doctrine entity manager custom annotation configuration.
AppNode DTO to transfer an app.
AppserverNode DTO to transfer the application server's complete configuration.
AuthConstraintNode DTO to transfer a auth constraint.
AuthMethodNode DTO to transfer an authentication method node.
AuthenticationNode DTO to transfer authentication information.
AuthenticatorNode DTO to transfer authenticator information.
BootstrapNode DTO to transfer the application server's bootstrap configuration.
CertificateNode Node class which represents the Certificate node of the configuration.
ClassLoaderNode DTO to transfer a app.
ConnectionHandlerNode DTO to transfer connection handler information.
ConnectorNode Node which represents the configuration of a connector to a certain service.
ConsoleNode DTO to transfer a console configuration.
ContainerNode DTO to transfer a container.
ContainersNode DTO to transfer the application server's container configuration.
ContextNode DTO to transfer server information.
ContextParamNode DTO to transfer a the context parameter information.
CronNode DTO to transfer CRON information.
DatabaseNode DTO to transfer a datasource.
DatasourceNode DTO to transfer a datasource.
DatasourcesNode DTO to transfer datasources.
DeploymentNode DTO to transfer deployment information.
DescriptionNode DTO to transfer a simple description node.
DirectoryNode DTO to transfer the directory information.
DisplayNameNode DTO to transfer a simple display name node.
EnterpriseBeansNode DTO to transfer enterprise beans information.
EnvironmentVariableNode Node class which represents the EnvironmentVariable node of the configuration.
EpbNode DTO to transfer enterprise beans information.
ErrorPageNode DTO to transfer the error page configuration.
ExecuteNode DTO to transfer information about a script that has to be executed.
ExtractorNode DTO to transfer the extractor information.
FileHandlerNode DTO to transfer file handler information.
FileNode DTO to transfer an authentication adapter file option node.
FormErrorPageNode DTO to transfer a form error page node.
FormLoginConfigNode DTO to transfer a login form configuration.
FormLoginPageNode DTO to transfer a login form page node.
FormatterNode DTO to transfer formatter information.
GarbageCollectionProbabilityNode DTO to transfer a garbage collection probability node.
HandlerNode DTO to transfer handler information.
HeaderNode DTO to transfer header information.
HostNode DTO to transfer a host.
HttpMethodNode DTO to transfer a HTTP method node.
HttpMethodOmissionNode DTO to transfer a HTTP method omission node.
IgnoredAnnotationNode DTO to transfer the ignored annotation information.
InitialContextNode DTO to transfer initial context information.
InstallationNode DTO to transfer a the installation information.
JobNode DTO to transfer a applications provision configuration.
ListenerNode DTO to transfer a listener configuration.
LocationNode DTO to transfer location information.
LoggerNode DTO to transfer logger information.
LoginConfigNode DTO to transfer a login configuration.
LoginModuleNode DTO to transfer an authentication configuration.
LookupNameNode DTO to transfer a enterprise lookup name node.
ManagerNode DTO to transfer a manager.
MessageQueueNode DTO to transfer a message queue.
MessageQueuesNode DTO to transfer MQs information.
MetadataCacheConfigurationNode DTO to transfer a metadata cache configuration.
MetadataConfigurationNode DTO to transfer an entity manager's metadata configuration.
ModuleNode DTO to transfer module information.
NamespaceNode DTO to transfer the namespace information.
ParamNameNode DTO to transfer a initialization parameter name node.
ParamNode DTO to transfer a param.
ParamValueNode DTO to transfer a initialization parameter value node.
PersistenceNode DTO to transfer a applications persistence configuration.
PersistenceUnitNode DTO to transfer a applications persistence unit configuration.
ProcessorNode DTO to transfer processor information.
ProvisionNode DTO to transfer a applications provision configuration.
ProvisionerNode DTO to transfer the provisioner information.
QueryCacheConfigurationNode DTO to transfer a query cache configuration.
RealmNameNode DTO to transfer a realm name node.
ReceiverNode DTO to transfer a receiver.
ResultCacheConfigurationNode DTO to transfer a result cache configuration.
RewriteMapNode Node class which represents the Access node of the configuration.
RewriteNode DTO to transfer module information.
RoleNameNode DTO to transfer a role name node.
ScannerNode DTO to transfer the provisioner information.
SecurityConstraintNode DTO to transfer a security constraint.
SecurityDomainNode DTO to transfer a security domain configuration.
SecurityRoleNode DTO to transfer a security constraint.
ServerNode DTO to transfer server information.
ServletClassNode DTO to transfer a servlet class node.
ServletMappingNode DTO to transfer a servlet mapping configuration.
ServletNameNode DTO to transfer a servlet name node.
SessionConfigNode DTO to transfer a session configuration.
SessionCookieDomainNode DTO to transfer a session cookie domain node.
SessionCookieHttpOnlyNode DTO to transfer a session cookie HTTP only node.
SessionCookieLifetimeNode DTO to transfer a session cookie lifetime node.
SessionCookiePathNode DTO to transfer a session cookie path node.
SessionCookieSecureNode DTO to transfer a session cookie secure node.
SessionFilePrefixNode DTO to transfer a session file prefix node.
SessionHandlerNode DTO to transfer session handler information.
SessionInactivityTimeoutNode DTO to transfer a session inactivity timeout node.
SessionMaximumAgeNode DTO to transfer a session maximum age node.
SessionNameNode DTO to transfer a session name node.
SessionSavePathNode DTO to transfer a session save path node.
SessionTypeNode DTO to transfer a session bean type node.
StepNode DTO to transfer a applications provision configuration.
StorageNode DTO to transfer storage information.
StorageServerNode DTO to transfer server information.
SystemLoggerNode DTO to transfer system logger information.
ThreadNode DTO to transfer a thread.
UpstreamNode DTO to transfer upstream information.
UpstreamServerNode DTO to transfer upstream server information.
UrlPatternNode DTO to transfer a URL pattern node.
VirtualHostNode DTO to transfer virtual host information.
WebAppNode DTO to transfer a web application.
WebResourceCollectionNode DTO to transfer a security constraint.
WebResourceNameNode DTO to transfer a web resource name node.
WorkerNode DTO to transfer a worker.


Имя Описание
AuthenticatorsNodeTrait Trait to handle authenticator nodes.
LoggersNodeTrait Abstract node that a contexts logger nodes.
LoginModulesNodeTrait Trait to handle login modules nodes.
ManagersNodeTrait Abstract node that a contexts manager nodes.
ParamsNodeTrait Abstract node that serves nodes having a params/param child.
SecurityDomainsNodeTrait Trait to handle security domain nodes.
SessionHandlersNodeTrait Trait to handle session handler nodes.
SystemPropertiesNodeTrait Abstract node that serves nodes having a systemProperties/sytemProperty child.