PHP Autarky\Routing Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
InvokerInterface Class that can invoke a route's callable.
RoutePathGeneratorInterface Interface for routers that the framework can utilize.
RouterInterface Interface for routers that the framework can utilize.


Имя Описание
Configuration Class representation of a routing config, which can be used instead of manually adding routes onto the Router object.
DefaultRouteConfigurator This configurator reads the app/config/routes file and mounts it onto the root path of your application.
Invoker {@inheritdoc}
Route Class that represents a single route in the application.
Router FastRoute implementation of the router.
RoutingProvider Simple service provider for the FastRoute implementation.
UrlGenerator URL generator.


Имя Описание
ControllerTrait Trait for controller functionality. Any class that implements this trait should also implement the interface Autarky\Container\ContainerAwareInterface - the interface's methods are implemented by the trait, but you still need to implement the interface on the class.