PHP Bolt\Storage\Query Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
ContentQueryParser Handler class to convert the DSL for content queries into an object representation.
Filter This class represents a single filter that converts to an expression along with associated query values.
QueryParameterParser Handler class to convert the DSL for content query parameters into equivalent DBAL expressions.
QueryResultset This class is a wrapper that handles single or multiple sets or results fetched via a query. They can be iterated normally, or split by label, eg just results from one ContentType.
SearchConfig This class takes an overall config array as input and parses into values applicable for performing searches.
SearchQuery This query class coordinates a search query building mainly on the same filtering system used in the SelectQuery class. The main difference is the addition of weighting, which is driven by documented here:.
SearchQueryResultset This class builds on the default QueryResultset to add the ability to merge sets based on weighted scores.
SearchWeighter This class takes a fetched resultset and sorts them based on the weighting settings in the SearchConfig class.
SelectQuery This query class coordinates a select query build from Bolt's custom query DSL as documented here:.