PHP CRUDlex Пространство имен


Имя Описание
DataFactoryInterface An interface used by the {@see ServiceProvider} to construct {@see Data} instances. By implementing this and handing it into the service provider, the user can control what database (-variation) he wants to use.
EntityDefinitionFactoryInterface Interface to make the creation of the EntityDefinitions flexible. To be handed into the ServiceProvider registration via the key "crud.entitydefinitionfactory".
EntityDefinitionValidatorInterface An interface for validating entity definitions.
FileProcessorInterface This interface is used to handle file uploads.


Имя Описание
AbstractData The abstract class for reading and writing data.
ControllerProvider This is the ControllerProvider offering all CRUD pages.
Entity Represents a single set of data in field value pairs like the row in a database. Depends of course on the {@see AbstractData} implementation being used.
EntityDefinition The class for defining a single entity.
EntityDefinitionFactory Default implementation of the EntiyDefinitionFactoryInterface being used if the key "crud.entitydefinitionfactory" is not given during the registration of the ServiceProvider.
EntityDefinitionValidator An entity definition validator using the romaricdrigon/MetaYaml validator with the given definitionSchema.yml.
EntityValidator Performs validation of the field values of the given {@see Entity}.
ManyValidator A validator to check many.
MimeTypes Class to get a mimetype from a file.
MySQLData MySQL Data implementation using a given Doctrine DBAL instance.
MySQLDataFactory A factory implementation for {@see MySQLData} instances.
ReferenceValidator A validator to check references.
ServiceProvider The ServiceProvider setups and initializes the whole CRUD system.
SimpleFilesystemFileProcessor An implementation of the {@see FileProcessorInterface} simply using the file system.
StreamedFileResponse Small utility class to generate functions for streamed responses returning a file.
TwigExtensions Provides and setups the Twig extensions like filters.
UniqueValidator A validator to check for an unique field.