PHP DataSift\Storyplayer\DeviceLib Пространство имен


Имя Описание
DeviceAdapter Interface that all device adapter classes must implement


Имя Описание
BaseAdapter Base class for web browser adapters
E4xx_NoSuchDeviceAdapter Exception thrown when we're asked to use a test device but there's no matching adapter available
E5xx_BadDeviceAdapter Exception thrown when we've loaded a device adapter, but it doesn't implement the DeviceAdapter interface
E5xx_CannotStartDevice Exception thrown when we've tried, but failed, to start the web browser
E5xx_NoHttpBasicAuthSupport Exception thrown when we don't support HTTP Basic Auth
HardCodedDevices Our list of built-in test devices
KnownDevices Our list of known devices
LocalWebDriverAdapter The adapter that talks to Browsermob-proxy and Selenium-standalone-server running on the same host as Storyplayer
RemoteWebDriverAdapter The adapter that talks to Browsermob-proxy running locally, and a Selenium Server that is running in an arbitrary remote location
SauceLabsWebDriverAdapter The adapter that talks to Browsermob-proxy and Selenium-standalone-server running on the same host as Storyplayer