PHP DataSift\Storyplayer\Phases Пространство имен


Имя Описание
ActionPhase the Action phase
CheckBlacklistedPhase the Action phase
CheckTestEnvironmentPhase make sure we like this test environment before proceeding
InfrastructurePhase base class for all infrastructure phases
InternalPostPhase base class for all post-story phases
InternalPrePhase base class for all pre-story phases
Phase base class for all phases
PostTestInspectionPhase the PostTestInspection phase
PreTestInspectionPhase the PreTestInspectionSetup phase
PreTestPredictionPhase the PreTestPrediction phase
SaveTestUsersPhase save our test users to disk
ScriptPhase the Automate phase, for scripts
ShutdownHandlersPhase the ShutdownHandlers phase
StartupHandlersPhase the StartupHandlers phase
StoryPhase base class for all story phases
StorySupportPhase base class for all phases that support a story
TableHandlersHelper a helper for phases that cleanup our persistent tables
TestCanRunCheckPhase the TestShouldRun phase
TestEnvironmentConstructionPhase the TestEnvironmentConstruction phase
TestEnvironmentDestructionPhase the TestEnvironmentDestruction phase
TestSetupPhase the TestSetup phase
TestTeardownPhase the TestTeardown phase