PHP Eloquent\Phony\Mock\Exception Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AnonymousClassException Anonymous classes cannot be mocked.
ClassExistsException The class is already defined.
FinalClassException Unable to extend final class.
FinalMethodStubException The method cannot be stubbed because it is final.
FinalizedMockException Unable to modify a finalized mock.
InvalidClassNameException The supplied class name is invalid.
InvalidDefinitionException An invalid definition was encountered.
InvalidMockClassException The supplied value is not a mock class.
InvalidMockException The supplied value is not a mock.
InvalidTypeException Unable to add the supplied type.
MockGenerationFailedException Mock generation failed.
MultipleInheritanceException Unable to extend multiple classes.
NonMockClassException The supplied class is not a mock class.
UndefinedMethodStubException The requested method stub does not exist.