PHP Jyxo\Input\Validator Пространство имен


Имя Описание
ErrorMessage Interface for classes implementing own error messages.


Имя Описание
AbstractValidator Base abstract validator class.
Callback Validates a value using a custom callback or anonymous function.
Equals Validates a value.
InArray Checks if the given value is from an array of predefined values.
IsArray Validates if the given value is an array.
IsBirthNumber Validates a birth number.
IsCompanyId Validates IČ (Czech company number).
IsCountryCode Validator checking if the given value is a valid ISO 3166 country code.
IsDate Validates if the given value is a valid date in the YYYY-MM-DD form.
IsDateTime Validator checking if the input value is valid date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH::MM::SS format.
IsEmail Email address validation.
IsInt Validator checking in the input value is an integer.
IsIpV4 Validates a IPv4 address.
IsIpV6 Validates a IPv6 address.
IsNumeric Validator checking if the input value is numeric.
IsPhone (Czech and Slovak) phone number validator.
IsTaxId Validates (Czech) Tax ID.
IsUrl Validates a URL.
IsZipCode Validates a (Czech) ZIP code.
LessThan Validator for numbers; checks if its value is less than.
NotEmpty Validates if a value is not empty.
Regex Validates a value using a regular expression.
StringLengthBetween Validates string length; must be between the given bounds.
StringLengthBetweenTest Test of \Jyxo\Input\Validator\StringLengthBetween validator.
StringLengthGreaterThan Validates string length to be greater than the given length.
StringLengthLessThan Validates string length to be lower than the given length.
Upload File upload processing.