PHP Jyxo\Spl Пространство имен


Имя Описание
ArrayCopy Object which can be converted to an array.


Имя Описание
ArrayUtil Utilities for working with arrays.
ArrayUtilTest Test for class \Jyxo\Spl\ArrayUtil.
CountableLimitIterator \LimitIterator which supports \Countable for transparent wrapping.
CountableLimitIteratorTest Test for class \Jyxo\Spl\CountableLimitIterator.
FilterIterator Iterator which uses a callback or closure for filtering data.
FilterIteratorTest Test for class \Jyxo\Spl\FilterIterator.
MapIterator Iterator which applies a callback over results (lazy-loaded calls).
MapIteratorTest Test for class \Jyxo\Spl\MapIterator.
Object Default object class.
ObjectCache Simple object cache so we don't have to create them or write caching over again.
ObjectCacheTest Test for class \Jyxo\Spl\ObjectCache.
ObjectTest Test for class \Jyxo\Spl\Object.