PHP Neos\Flow\Tests\Functional\ObjectManagement\Fixtures Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
AnotherClassWithLazyDependencies A second class which has lazy dependencies
ClassToBeSerialized A class to serialize and check if all dependencies are reinjected on unserialize.
ClassWithInjectedConfiguration A class for testing setting injection
ClassWithLazyDependencies A class which has lazy dependencies
ClassWithNonNamespacedDependencies A class which references other dependencies from the same namespace.
FinalClassWithDependencies A final class with dependencies
PrototypeClassA A class of scope prototype
PrototypeClassAFactory A factory which creates PrototypeClassA instances
PrototypeClassB A class of scope prototype (but without explicit scope annotation)
PrototypeClassC A class of scope prototype (but without explicit scope annotation)
PrototypeClassD A class of scope prototype (but without explicit scope annotation)
PrototypeClassDsub A class of scope prototype (but without explicit scope annotation)
PrototypeClassE A class of scope prototype (but without explicit scope annotation)
PrototypeClassF A class of scope prototype (but without explicit scope annotation)
SingletonClassA A class of scope singleton
SingletonClassC A class of scope singleton
SingletonClassD A class of scope singleton
SingletonClassE A class of scope singleton
SingletonClassEsub A class of scope singleton
SingletonClassG A class that is declared singleton from Objects.yaml with constructor injection