PHP Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation\Parameters Пространство имен


Имя Описание
IParameterHasher Interface of the query parameter hasher.
IQueryParameter Interface of the query parameter.


Имя Описание
CompiledRequestQueryHasher Implementation of the parameter hasher that returns a unique hash based on a compiled request query.
ExpressionParameter Implementation of the expression parameter.
FunctionSignatureHasher Implementation of the parameter hasher that returns a unique hash based on a function.
ParameterCollection Implementation of the expression parameter collection.
ParameterCollectionBase Base class of the expression collection.
ParameterHasher Factory class for the parameter hasher implementations.
ParameterRegistry Implementation of the expression parameter registry.
QueryParameterBase Base class of the query parameter.
ResolvedParameterRegistry Implementation of the resolved expression parameter registry.
StandardParameter Implementation of the standard query parameter.
ValueTypeHasher Implementation of the parameter hasher that returns a unique hash based on the *value* of a variable.