PHP Pinq\Queries\Requests Пространство имен


Имя Описание
IRequestVisitor Interface of the request visitor.


Имя Описание
Aggregate Request query for a custom aggregate using the supplied function
All Request query for a boolean of whether all the values satisfy the supplied predicate function or are truthy if no function is supplied.
Any Request query for a boolean of whether any of the values satisfy the supplied predicate function or are truthy if no function is supplied.
Average Request query for a double of the average of all the projected values
Contains Request query for a boolean of whether the supplied value is contained within the scope
Count Request query for an integer of the amount of values in the scope
First Request query for a the first value in the scope
GetIndex Request query for a value at the specified index
Implode Request query for a string of all the projected values concatenated with the specified delimiter.
IndexRequest Base class for a request with a specified index
IsEmpty Request query for a boolean of whether any values are contained in the scope
IssetIndex Request query for a boolean of whether a specified index is set
Last Request query for the last value in the scope
Maximum Request query for the maximum projected value in the scope
Minimum Request query for the minimum projected value in the scope
ProjectionRequest Base class for a request which optionally projects the elements with the supplied function.
ProjectionRequestBase Base class for a request which optionally projects the elements with the supplied function.
Request Base class for a request query Currently here for convenient namespacing
RequestVisitor The request visitor is a utility class that will visit any request in a respective method.
Sum Request query for a double of the sum of all the projected values
Values Request query for an iterator which will iterate all the values of the current scope.