PHP Piwik\Settings\Storage\Backend Пространство имен


Имя Описание
BackendInterface Interface for a storage backend. Any new storage backend must implement this interface.


Имя Описание
Cache Loads settings from tracker cache instead of database. If not yet present in tracker cache will cache it.
Config Backend for an existing site. Stores all settings in the "site" database table.
MeasurableSettingsTable Measurable settings backend. Stores all settings in a "site_setting" database table.
NullBackend Static / temporary storage where a value shall never be persisted. Meaning it will use the default value for each request until configured differently. Useful for tests etc.
PluginSettingsTable Plugin settings backend. Stores all settings in a "plugin_setting" database table.
SitesTable Backend for an existing site. Stores all settings in the "site" database table.