PHP PMA\libraries Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
Advisor Advisor class
Bookmark Handles bookmarking SQL queries
Charsets Class used to manage MySQL charsets
DatabaseInterface Main interface for database interactions
DbList holds the DbList class
DbQbe Class to handle database QBE search
DbSearch Class to handle database search
DisplayResults Handle all the functionalities related to displaying results of sql queries, stored procedure, browsing sql processes or displaying binary log.
Encoding Encoding conversion helper class
Error a single error
ErrorHandler handling errors
File File wrapper class
Footer Class used to output the footer
Header Class used to output the HTTP and HTML headers
Index Index manipulation class
LanguageManager Language selection manager
Linter The linter itself.
ListDatabase handles database lists
Logging Misc logging functions
Menu Class for generating the top menu
Message a single message
OpenDocument Simplfied OpenDocument creator class
PDF PDF export base class providing basic configuration.
Partition base Partition Class
RecentFavoriteTable Handles the recently used and favorite tables.
Response Singleton class used to manage the rendering of pages in PMA
Sanitize This class includes various sanitization methods that can be called statically
SavedSearches Saved searches managing
Scripts Collects information about which JavaScript files and objects are necessary to render the page and generates the relevant code.
ServerStatusData This class provides data about the server status
StorageEngine Base Storage Engine Class
SysInfoLinux Linux based SysInfo class
SystemDatabase Class SystemDatabase
Table Handles everything related to tables
Template Class Template
Theme handles theme
ThemeManager phpMyAdmin theme manager
Tracker This class tracks changes on databases, tables and views.
URL Static methods for URL/hidden inputs generating
Util Misc functions used all over the scripts.
VersionInformation Responsible for retrieving version information and notifiying about latest version