PHP Prose Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AssertsArray Assertions about the nature of, and contents of, arrays
AssertsBoolean Assertions about the nature of, and contents of, booleans
AssertsDouble Assertions about the nature of, and contents of, floating point numbers
AssertsInteger Assertions about the nature of, and contents of, integers
AssertsObject Assertions about the nature of, and contents of, objects
AssertsString Assertions about the nature of, and contents of, strings
BaseCleanup BaseCleanup
BaseRedisConn work with a Redis datastore
BaseRuntimeTable BaseRuntimeTable
CleanupHosts CleanupHosts
CleanupProcesses CleanupProcesses
CleanupRoles CleanupRoles
CleanupTargets CleanupTargets
DelayedComparisonAction Helper class for when we want to compare before and after data
DelayedHostsModuleIterator iterator for applying modules to all hosts that have a given role
E4xx_InvalidArgument Exception thrown when an invalid argument is provided
E4xx_MissingArgument Exception thrown when a required argument is not provided
E4xx_ObsoleteProse Exception thrown when a deprecated Prose module is used
E4xx_StoryShouldFail Exception thrown in PreTestPrediction when you expect the story to fail
E5xx_ActionFailed Exception thrown when an operation in an 'Action' class fails
E5xx_ExpectFailed Exception thrown when an operation in an 'Except' class fails
E5xx_NoMatchingActions Exception thrown when the StoryTeller class cannot find any suitable Prose to load and execute
E5xx_NotImplemented Exception thrown when StoryTeller *does* find the Prose class to load, but that class *doesn't* contain the method that the story is trying to use
E5xx_StoryCannotRun Exception that stories can throw if they cannot run.
E5xx_UnknownDomElementType Exception thrown when we can't work out what kind of DOM element you want us to find
Ec2ImageBase wrappers around the official Amazon EC2 SDK
Ec2InstanceBase wrappers around the official Amazon EC2 SDK
ExpectsBrowser Test the current contents of the browser
ExpectsEc2Image wrappers around the official Amazon EC2 SDK
ExpectsFailure prove a negative
ExpectsFirstHostWithRole helps us when more than one test host has the same role
ExpectsForm test forms in the web browser
ExpectsGraphite test the data stored in Graphite
ExpectsHost test the state of a (possibly remote) computer
ExpectsHostsTable test the state of the internal hosts table
ExpectsHttpResponse test the contents of a HttpClientResponse (retrieved by using fromHttp()->get() et al)
ExpectsProcessesTable test the state of the internal processes table
ExpectsRolesTable test the state of the internal roles table
ExpectsRuntimeTable ExpectsRuntimeTable
ExpectsShell test processes on the host machine using the UNIX shell as of Storyplayer v2, this is now just an alias for:
ExpectsSupervisor test the state of a program running under supervisor
ExpectsUuid assertions for the UUID module
ExpectsZmq test ZeroMQ connections
ExpectsZmqSocket test ZeroMQ connections
ForeachHostWithRole generator for applying modules to all hosts that have a given role
FromAws generates AWS clients using the official SDK
FromBrowser Get information from the browser
FromCheckpoint Get data from the checkpoint
FromConfig Get information from the active config (+ anything that has been overriden via the -D switch)
FromCurl get information from a HTTP server, without using a web browser to get it.
FromEc2 wrappers around the official Amazon EC2 SDK
FromEc2Instance wrappers around the official Amazon EC2 SDK
FromEnvironment Was available in v1.x. Has been rejigged to help with backwards compatibility.
FromFacebook get information from Facebook
FromFile Get information about files on the local machine
FromFirstHostWithRole helps us when more than one test host has the same role
FromForm get information about forms in the web browser
FromGraphite get information from Graphite
FromHost get information about a given host
FromHostsTable retrieve data from the internal hosts table
FromHttp get information from a HTTP server, without using a web browser to get it.
FromPDOStatement work with the results of running a PDO query
FromProcessesTable retrieve data from the internal processes table
FromRedisConn work with a Redis datastore
FromRolesTable retrieve data from the internal hosts table
FromRuntimeTable ExpectsRuntimeTable
FromRuntimeTableForTargetEnvironment ExpectsRuntimeTable
FromSauceLabs Sauce Labs integration
FromShell get information from the UNIX shell
FromStoryplayer Get information from the loaded storyplayer.json (+ anything that has been overriden via the -D switch)
FromSupervisor get information about a program running under supervisor
FromSystemUnderTest Get information from the active system under test
FromTargetsTable retrieve data from the internal hosts table
FromTestEnvironment Get information from the active test environment config
FromUsers work with the library of test users
FromUuid generate a uuid on demand, without requiring the uuid extension
FromZmqSocket receive data from a ZMQ socket
HostBase base class for all 'Host' Prose modules
HostsByRoleBase base class for all 'Host' Prose modules
IframeContext this (when we finish it) will be used to tell Selenium to operate against an iframe instead of the main DOM document
PageContext This (when it is finished) will be used to tell Selenium to work against the main DOM document, rather than an iframe on the page
Prose base class for all Prose classes
SauceLabsRestApi Sauce Labs integration
TargettedBrowserExpects Helper class for testing elements using convenient, human-like names and terms for elements (such as 'buttonLabelled')
TimedAction Helper class for running an action for a precise period of time
UsingBrowser Do things using the web browser
UsingCheckpoint Do things to the checkpoint
UsingEc2 do things with Amazon EC2
UsingEc2Instance wrappers around the official Amazon EC2 SDK
UsingFacebookGraphApi get information from Facebook via the Graph API
UsingFile Do things with files on the local machine
UsingFirstHostWithRole helps us when more than one test host has the same role
UsingForm do things to forms in the web browser
UsingHornet do things with Hornet. Hornet is DataSift's evil load-test tool.
UsingHost do things with vagrant
UsingHostsTable manipulate the internal hosts table
UsingHttp do things to a web site by making requests directly to it (i.e. not using the web browser at all)
UsingLog write messages to the log
UsingMysql do things to a database
UsingPDO connect to a database using PDO
UsingPDODB work with a PDO database connection
UsingProcessesTable manipulate the internal processes table
UsingProvisioning Support for creating a new provisioning definition
UsingProvisioningDefinition Support for populating a provisioning definition
UsingProvisioningEngine Provision hosts using plugged-in providers
UsingRedis connect to a Redis server using predis
UsingRedisConn work with a Redis datastore
UsingReporting placeholders used as default behaviour for test phases
UsingRolesTable manipulate the internal roles table
UsingRuntimeTable UsingRuntimeTable
UsingRuntimeTableForTargetEnvironment UsingRuntimeTable
UsingSauceLabs Sauce Labs integration
UsingSavageD do things with SavageD. SavageD is DataSift's real-time server and process monitoring API-driven daemon
UsingShell do things with the UNIX shell (such as start background processes)
UsingSupervisor start and stop programs under supervisor
UsingTargetsTable manipulate the internal targets table
UsingTimer perform delayed actions
UsingUsers work with the library of test users
UsingVagrant do things with vagrant
UsingYamlFile Support for working with YAML files
UsingZmq do things with ZeroMQ
UsingZmqContext create a ZMQ socket for sending or receiving data
UsingZmqSocket send data via a ZMQ socket
UsingZookeeper do things with zookeeper
VmActionsBase base class & API for different types of virtual hosting
ZmqSocketBase base class for all things ZMQ socket related


Имя Описание
HostsByRoleTrait base class for all 'Host' Prose modules