PHP Class Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchResponse

Inheritance: extends Auth_OpenID_AX_KeyValueMessage
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Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $update_url = null )
fromSuccessResponse ( $success_response, $signed = true ) Construct a FetchResponse object from an OpenID library SuccessResponse object.
getExtensionArgs ( $request = null ) Serialize this object into arguments in the attribute exchange namespace
parseExtensionArgs ( $ax_args )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $update_url = null )

fromSuccessResponse() static public method

Construct a FetchResponse object from an OpenID library SuccessResponse object.
static public fromSuccessResponse ( $success_response, $signed = true )

getExtensionArgs() public method

Serialize this object into arguments in the attribute exchange namespace
public getExtensionArgs ( $request = null )

parseExtensionArgs() public method

public parseExtensionArgs ( $ax_args )

Property Details

$mode public_oe property

public $mode