PHP Class GiftDAO, ojs

Inheritance: extends PKPGiftDAO
显示文件 Open project: pkp/ojs

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Constructor
_redeemGiftSubscription ( &$gift ) : integer Redeem a gift subscription for a user.
newDataObject ( ) : Gift Construct a new data object corresponding to this DAO.
redeemGift ( $assocType, $assocId, $userId, $giftId ) : integer Redeem a gift for a user.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

_redeemGiftSubscription() public method

Redeem a gift subscription for a user.
public _redeemGiftSubscription ( &$gift ) : integer
$gift Gift
return integer Status code indicating whether gift subscription could be redeemed

newDataObject() public method

Construct a new data object corresponding to this DAO.
public newDataObject ( ) : Gift
return Gift

redeemGift() public method

Redeem a gift for a user.
public redeemGift ( $assocType, $assocId, $userId, $giftId ) : integer
$assocType int
$assocId int
$userId int
$giftId int
return integer Status code indicating whether gift could be redeemed