PHP Class GitHubIssues, github-php-client

Inheritance: extends GitHubService
显示文件 Open project: tan-tan-kanarek/github-php-client

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$assignees GitHubIssuesAssignees
$comments GitHubIssuesComments
$events GitHubIssuesEvents
$labels GitHubIssuesLabels
$milestones GitHubIssuesMilestones

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( GitHubClient $client ) Initialize sub services
createAnIssue ( $owner, $repo, $title, $body = null, $assignees = null, $milestone = null, $labels = null ) : GitHubIssue Create an issue
editAnIssue ( $owner, $repo, $title = null, $number, $body = null, $assignees = null, $state = null, $milestone = null, $labels = null ) : GitHubIssue Edit an issue
getIssue ( $owner, $repo, $number ) : GitHubIssue List issues
listAllIssues ( $owner = false, $filter = null, $state = null, $labels = null, $sort = null, $direction = null, $since = null ) : array List all issues
listIssues ( $owner, $repo, $milestone = null, $state = null, $assignee = null, $creator = null, $mentioned = null, $labels = null, $sort = null, $direction = null, $since = null ) : array List issues

Method Details

__construct() public method

Initialize sub services
public __construct ( GitHubClient $client )
$client GitHubClient

createAnIssue() public method

Create an issue
public createAnIssue ( $owner, $repo, $title, $body = null, $assignees = null, $milestone = null, $labels = null ) : GitHubIssue
$title string (Required) - The title of the issue.
$body string (Optional) - The contents of the issue.
$assignees array (Optional) of **strings** - Login(s) for the user(s) that this issue should be assigned to. Supplying a string here still works for backwards compatibility but will be removed in the future.
$milestone number (Optional) - Milestone to associate this issue with.
$labels array (Optional) of strings - Labels to associate with this issue. Pass one or more Labels to _replace_ the set of Labels on this Issue. Send an empty array (`[]`) to clear all Labels from the Issue.
return GitHubIssue

editAnIssue() public method

Edit an issue
public editAnIssue ( $owner, $repo, $title = null, $number, $body = null, $assignees = null, $state = null, $milestone = null, $labels = null ) : GitHubIssue
$body string (Optional) - The contents of the issue.
$assignees array (Optional) of **strings** - Login(s) for the user(s) that this issue should be assigned to. Supplying a string here still works for backwards compatibility but will be removed in the future.
$state string (Optional) - State of the issue: `open` or `closed`.
$milestone number (Optional) - Milestone to associate this issue with.
$labels array (Optional) of **strings** - Labels to associate with this issue. Pass one or more Labels to _replace_ the set of Labels on this Issue. Send an empty array (`[]`) to clear all Labels from the Issue.
return GitHubIssue

getIssue() public method

List issues
public getIssue ( $owner, $repo, $number ) : GitHubIssue
return GitHubIssue

listAllIssues() public method

List all issues
public listAllIssues ( $owner = false, $filter = null, $state = null, $labels = null, $sort = null, $direction = null, $since = null ) : array
$owner boolean|string true, for all my issues, false, for all issues or organization name all issues
return array

listIssues() public method

List issues
public listIssues ( $owner, $repo, $milestone = null, $state = null, $assignee = null, $creator = null, $mentioned = null, $labels = null, $sort = null, $direction = null, $since = null ) : array
$milestone number (Optional) - Milestone to associate this issue with.
$assignee string (Optional) - Login for the user that this issue should be assigned to.
$creator string (Optional) - Login for the user that created this issue.
$mentioned string (Optional) - Login for a user mentioned in this issue.
return array

Property Details

$assignees public_oe property

public GitHubIssuesAssignees $assignees
return GitHubIssuesAssignees

$comments public_oe property

public GitHubIssuesComments $comments
return GitHubIssuesComments

$events public_oe property

public GitHubIssuesEvents $events
return GitHubIssuesEvents

$labels public_oe property

public GitHubIssuesLabels $labels
return GitHubIssuesLabels

$milestones public_oe property

public GitHubIssuesMilestones $milestones
return GitHubIssuesMilestones