PHP Class Horde_ActiveSync_Connector_Exporter_Base, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
显示文件 Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_as Horde_ActiveSync The ActiveSync server object.
$_changes array Local cache of changes to send.
$_encoder Horde_ActiveSync_Wbxml_Encoder The wbxml encoder
$_procid integer Process id for logging.
$_step integer Counter of changes sent.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Horde_ActiveSync $as, Horde_ActiveSync_Wbxml_Encoder $encoder = null ) : Horde_ActiveSync_Connector_Exporter Const'r
sendNextChange ( ) : boolean | Horde_Exception Sends the next change in the set to the client.
setChanges ( array $changes, array $collection = null ) Set the changes to send to the client.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Horde_ActiveSync $as, Horde_ActiveSync_Wbxml_Encoder $encoder = null ) : Horde_ActiveSync_Connector_Exporter
$as Horde_ActiveSync The ActiveSync server.
$encoder Horde_ActiveSync_Wbxml_Encoder The encoder
return Horde_ActiveSync_Connector_Exporter

sendNextChange() abstract public method

Sends the next change in the set to the client.
abstract public sendNextChange ( ) : boolean | Horde_Exception
return boolean | Horde_Exception True if more changes can be sent false if all changes were sent, Horde_Exception if there was an error sending an item.

setChanges() public method

Set the changes to send to the client.
public setChanges ( array $changes, array $collection = null )
$changes array The changes array returned from the collection handler.
$collection array The collection we are currently syncing.

Property Details

$_as protected_oe property

The ActiveSync server object.
protected Horde_ActiveSync $_as
return Horde_ActiveSync

$_changes protected_oe property

Local cache of changes to send.
protected array $_changes
return array

$_encoder protected_oe property

The wbxml encoder
protected Horde_ActiveSync_Wbxml_Encoder $_encoder
return Horde_ActiveSync_Wbxml_Encoder

$_procid protected_oe property

Process id for logging.
protected int $_procid
return integer

$_step protected_oe property

Counter of changes sent.
protected int $_step
return integer