PHP Class Horde_Auth_Composite, horde

Author: Chuck Hagenbuch ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Auth_Base
显示文件 Open project: horde/horde

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $params = [] ) Constructor.
addUser ( string $userId, array $credentials ) Add a set of authentication credentials.
exists ( string $userId ) : boolean Checks if a userId exists in the system.
hasCapability ( string $capability ) : boolean Query the current Auth object to find out if it supports the given capability.
listUsers ( boolean $sort = false ) : array Lists all users in the system.
removeUser ( string $userId ) Delete a set of authentication credentials.
resetPassword ( string $userId ) : string Reset a user's password. Used for example when the user does not remember the existing password.
transparent ( ) : boolean Automatic authentication.
updateUser ( string $oldID, string $newID, array $credentials ) Update a set of authentication credentials.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_authenticate ( string $userId, array $credentials ) Find out if a set of login credentials are valid.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $params = [] )
$params array Required parameters:
'admin_driver' - (Horde_Auth_Base) The admin driver.
'auth_driver' - (Horde_Auth_Base) The auth driver.

_authenticate() protected method

Find out if a set of login credentials are valid.
protected _authenticate ( string $userId, array $credentials )
$userId string The userId to check.
$credentials array The credentials to use.

addUser() public method

Add a set of authentication credentials.
public addUser ( string $userId, array $credentials )
$userId string The userId to add.
$credentials array The credentials to use.

exists() public method

Checks if a userId exists in the system.
public exists ( string $userId ) : boolean
$userId string User ID to check
return boolean Whether or not the userId already exists.

hasCapability() public method

Query the current Auth object to find out if it supports the given capability.
public hasCapability ( string $capability ) : boolean
$capability string The capability to test for.
return boolean Whether or not the capability is supported.

listUsers() public method

Lists all users in the system.
public listUsers ( boolean $sort = false ) : array
$sort boolean Sort the users?
return array The array of userIds.

removeUser() public method

Delete a set of authentication credentials.
public removeUser ( string $userId )
$userId string The userId to delete.

resetPassword() public method

Reset a user's password. Used for example when the user does not remember the existing password.
public resetPassword ( string $userId ) : string
$userId string The user id for which to reset the password.
return string The new password on success.

transparent() public method

Automatic authentication.
public transparent ( ) : boolean
return boolean Whether or not the client is allowed.

updateUser() public method

Update a set of authentication credentials.
public updateUser ( string $oldID, string $newID, array $credentials )
$oldID string The old userId.
$newID string The new userId.
$credentials array The new credentials