PHP Class Horde_Core_NoSql, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
显示文件 Open project: horde/horde

Public Methods

Method Description
buildIndices ( string $app = 'horde' ) Make sure indices are built for all NoSQL drivers in the given application.
getDrivers ( string $app = 'horde', integer $mask ) : array Retrieve the list of active NoSQL drivers for an application.

Method Details

buildIndices() public method

Make sure indices are built for all NoSQL drivers in the given application.
public buildIndices ( string $app = 'horde' )
$app string Application name.

getDrivers() public method

Retrieve the list of active NoSQL drivers for an application.
public getDrivers ( string $app = 'horde', integer $mask ) : array
$app string Application name.
$mask integer Filter drivers by this mask.
return array List of NoSQL drivers.