PHP Class Horde_Db_Adapter_Mysql_Schema, horde

Author: Mike Naberezny ([email protected])
Author: Derek DeVries ([email protected])
Author: Chuck Hagenbuch ([email protected])
Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_Schema
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Public Methods

Method Description
_mysqlCharsetName ( string $charset ) : string Returns the MySQL name of a character set.
addColumnOptions ( string $sql, array $options ) : string Adds default/null options to column SQL definitions.
buildClause ( string $lhs, string $op, string $rhs, boolean $bind = false, array $params = [] ) : string | array Returns an expression using the specified operator.
caseSensitiveEqualityOperator ( )
changeColumn ( string $tableName, string $columnName, string $type, array $options = [] ) Changes an existing column's definition.
changeColumnDefault ( string $tableName, string $columnName, mixed $default ) Sets a new default value for a column.
columns ( string $tableName, string $name = null ) : array Returns a list of table columns.
createDatabase ( string $name, array $options = [] ) Creates a database.
currentDatabase ( ) : string Returns the name of the currently selected database.
dropDatabase ( string $name ) Drops a database.
endTable ( string | Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_TableDefinition $name, array $options = [] ) Finishes and executes table creation.
getCharset ( ) : string Returns the character set of query results.
getCollation ( ) : string Returns the database collation strategy.
indexName ( string $tableName, string | array $options = [] ) Builds the name for an index.
indexes ( string $tableName, string $name = null ) : array Returns a list of tables indexes.
limitedUpdateConditions ( $whereSql, $quotedTableName, $quotedPrimaryKey )
makeColumn ( string $name, string $default, string $sqlType = null, boolean $null = true ) : Horde_Db_Adapter_Mysql_Column Factory for Column objects.
nativeDatabaseTypes ( ) : array Returns a hash of mappings from the abstract data types to the native database types.
primaryKey ( string $tableName, string $name = null ) : Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_Index Returns a table's primary key.
quoteColumnName ( string $name ) : string Returns a quoted form of the column name.
quoteTableName ( string $name ) : string Returns a quoted form of the table name.
removePrimaryKey ( string $tableName ) Removes a primary key from a table.
renameColumn ( string $tableName, string $columnName, string $newColumnName ) Renames a column.
renameTable ( string $name, string $newName ) Renames a table.
setCharset ( string $charset ) Sets the client and result charset.
showVariable ( string $name ) : string Returns a database variable.
tables ( ) : array Returns a list of all tables of the current database.
typeToSql ( string $type, integer $limit = null, integer $precision = null, integer $scale = null, boolean $unsigned = null ) : string Generates the SQL definition for a column type.

Method Details

_mysqlCharsetName() public method

Returns the MySQL name of a character set.
public _mysqlCharsetName ( string $charset ) : string
$charset string A charset name.
return string MySQL-normalized charset.

addColumnOptions() public method

Adds default/null options to column SQL definitions.
public addColumnOptions ( string $sql, array $options ) : string
$sql string Existing SQL definition for a column.
$options array Column options: - null: (boolean) Whether to allow NULL values. - default: (mixed) Default column value. - autoincrement: (boolean) Whether the column is an autoincrement column. Driver depedendent. - after: (string) Insert column after this one. MySQL specific.
return string The manipulated SQL definition.

buildClause() public method

Returns an expression using the specified operator.
public buildClause ( string $lhs, string $op, string $rhs, boolean $bind = false, array $params = [] ) : string | array
$lhs string The column or expression to test.
$op string The operator.
$rhs string The comparison value.
$bind boolean If true, the method returns the query and a list of values suitable for binding as an array.
$params array Any additional parameters for the operator.
return string | array The SQL test fragment, or an array containing the query and a list of values if $bind is true.

caseSensitiveEqualityOperator() public method

changeColumn() public method

Changes an existing column's definition.
public changeColumn ( string $tableName, string $columnName, string $type, array $options = [] )
$tableName string A table name.
$columnName string A column name.
$type string A data type.
$options array Column options. See Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_TableDefinition#column() for details.

changeColumnDefault() public method

If you want to set the default value to NULL, you are out of luck. You need to execute the apppropriate SQL statement yourself.
public changeColumnDefault ( string $tableName, string $columnName, mixed $default )
$tableName string A table name.
$columnName string A column name.
$default mixed The new default value.

columns() public method

Returns a list of table columns.
public columns ( string $tableName, string $name = null ) : array
$tableName string A table name.
$name string (can be removed?)
return array A list of Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_Column objects.

createDatabase() public method

Creates a database.
public createDatabase ( string $name, array $options = [] )
$name string A database name.
$options array Database options.

currentDatabase() public method

Returns the name of the currently selected database.
public currentDatabase ( ) : string
return string The database name.

dropDatabase() public method

Drops a database.
public dropDatabase ( string $name )
$name string A database name.

endTable() public method

Finishes and executes table creation.
public endTable ( string | Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_TableDefinition $name, array $options = [] )
$name string | Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_TableDefinition A table name or object.
$options array A list of options. See createTable().

getCharset() public method

Returns the character set of query results.
public getCharset ( ) : string
return string The result's charset.

getCollation() public method

Returns the database collation strategy.
public getCollation ( ) : string
return string Database collation.

indexName() public method

Cuts the index name to the maximum length of 64 characters limited by MySQL.
public indexName ( string $tableName, string | array $options = [] )
$tableName string A table name.
$options string | array Either a column name or index options: - column: (string|array) column name(s). - name: (string) the index name to fall back to if no column names specified.

indexes() public method

Returns a list of tables indexes.
public indexes ( string $tableName, string $name = null ) : array
$tableName string A table name.
$name string (can be removed?)
return array A list of Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_Index objects.

limitedUpdateConditions() public method

public limitedUpdateConditions ( $whereSql, $quotedTableName, $quotedPrimaryKey )

makeColumn() public method

Factory for Column objects.
public makeColumn ( string $name, string $default, string $sqlType = null, boolean $null = true ) : Horde_Db_Adapter_Mysql_Column
$name string The column's name, such as "supplier_id" in "supplier_id int(11)".
$default string The type-casted default value, such as "new" in "sales_stage varchar(20) default 'new'".
$sqlType string Used to extract the column's type, length and signed status, if necessary. For example "varchar" and "60" in "company_name varchar(60)" or "unsigned => true" in "int(10) UNSIGNED".
$null boolean Whether this column allows NULL values.
return Horde_Db_Adapter_Mysql_Column A column object.

nativeDatabaseTypes() public method

See TableDefinition::column() for details on the recognized abstract data types.
See also: TableDefinition::column()
public nativeDatabaseTypes ( ) : array
return array A database type map.

primaryKey() public method

Returns a table's primary key.
public primaryKey ( string $tableName, string $name = null ) : Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_Index
$tableName string A table name.
$name string (can be removed?)
return Horde_Db_Adapter_Base_Index The primary key index object.

quoteColumnName() public method

Returns a quoted form of the column name.
public quoteColumnName ( string $name ) : string
$name string A column name.
return string The quoted column name.

quoteTableName() public method

Defaults to column name quoting.
public quoteTableName ( string $name ) : string
$name string A table name.
return string The quoted table name.

removePrimaryKey() public method

Removes a primary key from a table.
public removePrimaryKey ( string $tableName )
$tableName string A table name.

renameColumn() public method

Renames a column.
public renameColumn ( string $tableName, string $columnName, string $newColumnName )
$tableName string A table name.
$columnName string A column name.
$newColumnName string The new column name.

renameTable() public method

Renames a table.
public renameTable ( string $name, string $newName )
$name string A table name.
$newName string The new table name.

setCharset() public method

Sets the client and result charset.
public setCharset ( string $charset )
$charset string The character set to use for client queries and results.

showVariable() public method

Convenience wrapper around "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'name'".
public showVariable ( string $name ) : string
$name string A variable name.
return string The variable value.

tables() public method

Returns a list of all tables of the current database.
public tables ( ) : array
return array A table list.

typeToSql() public method

Generates the SQL definition for a column type.
public typeToSql ( string $type, integer $limit = null, integer $precision = null, integer $scale = null, boolean $unsigned = null ) : string
$type string A column type.
$limit integer Maximum column length (non decimal type only)
$precision integer The number precision (decimal type only).
$scale integer The number scaling (decimal columns only).
$unsigned boolean Whether the column is an unsigned number (non decimal columns only).
return string The SQL definition. If $type is not one of the internally supported types, $type is returned unchanged.