PHP Class Horde_Feed_Blogroll, horde

This is not a generic OPML implementation, but one focused on lists of feeds, i.e. blogrolls. See for more information on OPML.
Author: Chuck Hagenbuch ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Feed_Base
显示文件 Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_defaultNamespace string The default namespace for blogrolls.
$_emptyXml string The XML string for an "empty" Blogroll.
$_listItemClassName string The classname for individual feed elements.

Public Methods

Method Description
getBody ( )
getOutline ( )
getTitle ( )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_buildListItemCache ( ) Cache outline elements so they don't need to be searched for on every operation.

Method Details

_buildListItemCache() protected method

Cache outline elements so they don't need to be searched for on every operation.
protected _buildListItemCache ( )

getBody() public method

public getBody ( )

getOutline() public method

public getOutline ( )

getTitle() public method

public getTitle ( )

Property Details

$_defaultNamespace protected_oe property

The default namespace for blogrolls.
protected string $_defaultNamespace
return string

$_emptyXml protected_oe property

The XML string for an "empty" Blogroll.
protected string $_emptyXml
return string

$_listItemClassName protected_oe property

The classname for individual feed elements.
protected string $_listItemClassName
return string