PHP Class Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_String, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_filter string String filter parameters.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $data, array $opts = [] )
__toString ( )
binary ( ) : boolean If literal output, is the data binary?
escape ( )
escapeStream ( ) : resource Return the escaped string as a stream.
forceBinary ( ) Force item to be output as a binary literal.
forceLiteral ( ) Force item to be output as a literal.
forceQuoted ( ) Force item to be output quoted.
getStream ( ) : Horde_Stream Return the contents of the string as a stream object.
length ( ) : integer Return the length of the data.
literal ( ) : boolean Does this data item require literal string output?
quoted ( ) : boolean Does this data item require quoted string output?

Protected Methods

Method Description
_filterParams ( ) : object Return the base string filter parameters.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $data, array $opts = [] )
$opts array Additional options: - eol: (boolean) If true, normalize EOLs in input. @since 2.2.0 - skipscan: (boolean) If true, don't scan input for binary/literal/quoted data. @since 2.2.0

__toString() public method

public __toString ( )

_filterParams() protected method

Return the base string filter parameters.
protected _filterParams ( ) : object
return object Filter parameters.

binary() public method

If literal output, is the data binary?
public binary ( ) : boolean
return boolean True if the literal output is binary.

escape() public method

public escape ( )

escapeStream() public method

Return the escaped string as a stream.
public escapeStream ( ) : resource
return resource The IMAP escaped stream.

forceBinary() public method

Force item to be output as a binary literal.
public forceBinary ( )

forceLiteral() public method

Force item to be output as a literal.
public forceLiteral ( )

forceQuoted() public method

Force item to be output quoted.
public forceQuoted ( )

getStream() public method

Return the contents of the string as a stream object.
Since: 2.3.0
public getStream ( ) : Horde_Stream
return Horde_Stream The stream object.

length() public method

Return the length of the data.
Since: 2.2.0
public length ( ) : integer
return integer Data length.

literal() public method

Does this data item require literal string output?
public literal ( ) : boolean
return boolean True if literal output is required.

quoted() public method

Does this data item require quoted string output?
public quoted ( ) : boolean
return boolean True if quoted output is required.

Property Details

$_filter protected_oe property

String filter parameters.
protected string $_filter
return string