PHP Class Horde_LoginTasks_Task, horde

Copyright 2001-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
显示文件 Open project: horde/horde

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$active boolean Should the task be run?
$display integer [1] Horde_LoginTasks::DISPLAY_CONFIRM_NO Horde_LoginTasks::DISPLAY_CONFIRM_YES Each output from describe() will have a checkbox associated with it. For each checkbox selected, execute() for that task will be run. More than 1 confirmation message can be displayed on the confirmation page at once. DISPLAY_CONFIRM_YES will be checked by default, DISPLAY_CONFIRM_NO will be unchecked by default. [2] Horde_LoginTasks::DISPLAY_AGREE The output from describe() should be text asking the user to agree/disagree to specified terms. If 'yes' is selected, the POST variable 'agree' will be set. If 'no' is selected, the POST variable 'not_agree' will be set. In either case, execute() will ALWAYS be run. This style will be displayed on its own confirmation page. [3] Horde_LoginTasks::DISPLAY_NOTICE The output from describe() should be any non-interactive text desired. There will be a single 'Click to Continue' button below this text. execute() will ALWAYS be run. This style will be displayed on its own confirmation page. [4] Horde_LoginTasks::DISPLAY_NONE Don't display any confirmation to the user.
$interval integer The interval at which to run the task.
$priority integer The priority of the task.

Public Methods

Method Description
describe ( ) : string Return description information for the login task.
execute ( ) Do login task (if it has been confirmed).
joinDisplayWith ( Horde_LoginTasks_Task $previous ) : boolean Indicates if the display of the current task should be joined with the given previous task.
needsDisplay ( ) : boolean Does the task need to be displayed?

Private Methods

Method Description
_isConfirmTask ( Horde_Login_Task $task ) : boolean Is this a confirmation task?

Method Details

describe() public method

Return description information for the login task.
public describe ( ) : string
return string Description that will be displayed on the login task confirmation page.

execute() abstract public method

Do login task (if it has been confirmed).
abstract public execute ( )

joinDisplayWith() public method

Indicates if the display of the current task should be joined with the given previous task.
public joinDisplayWith ( Horde_LoginTasks_Task $previous ) : boolean
$previous Horde_LoginTasks_Task The previous task to display.
return boolean True if both tasks should be displayed together.

needsDisplay() public method

Does the task need to be displayed?
public needsDisplay ( ) : boolean
return boolean True if the task should be displayed.

Property Details

$active public_oe property

Should the task be run?
public bool $active
return boolean

$display public_oe property

[1] Horde_LoginTasks::DISPLAY_CONFIRM_NO Horde_LoginTasks::DISPLAY_CONFIRM_YES Each output from describe() will have a checkbox associated with it. For each checkbox selected, execute() for that task will be run. More than 1 confirmation message can be displayed on the confirmation page at once. DISPLAY_CONFIRM_YES will be checked by default, DISPLAY_CONFIRM_NO will be unchecked by default. [2] Horde_LoginTasks::DISPLAY_AGREE The output from describe() should be text asking the user to agree/disagree to specified terms. If 'yes' is selected, the POST variable 'agree' will be set. If 'no' is selected, the POST variable 'not_agree' will be set. In either case, execute() will ALWAYS be run. This style will be displayed on its own confirmation page. [3] Horde_LoginTasks::DISPLAY_NOTICE The output from describe() should be any non-interactive text desired. There will be a single 'Click to Continue' button below this text. execute() will ALWAYS be run. This style will be displayed on its own confirmation page. [4] Horde_LoginTasks::DISPLAY_NONE Don't display any confirmation to the user.
public int $display
return integer

$interval public_oe property

The interval at which to run the task.
public int $interval
return integer

$priority public_oe property

The priority of the task.
public int $priority
return integer