PHP Class Horde_Service_Weather_Forecast_Taf, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Service_Weather_Forecast_Base
显示文件 Open project: horde/horde

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $properties, Horde_Service_Weather_Base $weather, integer $type = Horde_Service_Weather::FORECAST_TYPE_STANDARD ) Const'r
getForecastTime ( ) : Horde_Date Return the time of the forecast, in local (to station) time.
getRawData ( ) : array Compatibility layer for old PEAR/Services_Weather data.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_parsePeriods ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $properties, Horde_Service_Weather_Base $weather, integer $type = Horde_Service_Weather::FORECAST_TYPE_STANDARD )
$properties array Forecast properties.
$weather Horde_Service_Weather_Base The base driver.
$type integer The forecast type.

_parsePeriods() protected method

protected _parsePeriods ( )

getForecastTime() public method

Return the time of the forecast, in local (to station) time.
public getForecastTime ( ) : Horde_Date
return Horde_Date The time of the forecast.

getRawData() public method

Compatibility layer for old PEAR/Services_Weather data.
public getRawData ( ) : array
return array The raw parsed data array - keyed by descriptors that are compatible with PEAR/Services_Weather. Structure of data: Data is converted into the appropriate units based on the Horde_Service_Weather_Base::units setting at the time or parsing. - station: The station identifier. - dataRaw: The raw TAF data. - update: The update timestamp. - updateRaw: The raw TAF encoded update time. - validRaw: The raw TAF encoded valid forecast times. - validFrom: The valid forecast FROM time. - validTo: The valid forecast TO time. - time: Array containing an entry for each weather section. Basically each entry contains forcasted changes beginning at the time of the key to the entry. - wind: The wind speed. - windDegrees: The wind direction in degrees. - windDirection: The wind direction in a cardinal compass direction. - windGust: The wind gust speed. - windProb: Probability of forecast wind. - visibility: Visibility distance. - visQualifier: Qualifier of visibility. I.e., "AT", "BEYOND", "BELOW" - visProb: Probability of forecast visibility. - clouds: Array containing cloud layer information: - amount: Amount of sky cover. I.e., "BROKEN", "OVERCAST" - height: The height of the base of the cloud layer. - type: The type of clouds if available. - condition: The weather condition. I.e., "RAIN", "MIST" - windshear: Windshear delta. - windshearHeight: The height of windshear. - windshearDegrees: The degrees of windshear. - windshearDirection:The compass direction of windshear. - temperatureLow: The forecast low temperature. - temperatureHigh: The forecast high temperature. - fmc: Array containing any FMC changes. I.e, "TEMPO", or "BECMG" lines. - from: Horde_Date representing the starting time of the FMC change. - to: Horde_Date representing the ending time of the FMC period.