PHP Class Horde_SessionHandler_Storage_Memcache, horde

Deprecation: Use HashTable driver instead
Author: Rong-En Fan ([email protected])
Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_SessionHandler_Storage
显示文件 Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_id string Current session ID.
$_memcache Horde_Memcache Memcache object.
$_trackID string The ID used for session tracking.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $params = [] ) Constructor.
close ( )
destroy ( $id )
gc ( $maxlifetime = 300 )
getSessionIDs ( )
open ( $save_path = null, $session_name = null )
read ( $id )
trackGC ( ) Do garbage collection for session tracking information.
write ( $id, $session_data )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $params = [] )
$params array Parameters:
'memcache' - (Horde_Memcache) [REQUIRED] A memcache object.
'track' - (boolean) Track active sessions?
'track_lifetime' - (integer) The number of seconds after which tracked
                   sessions will be treated as expired.

close() public method

public close ( )

destroy() public method

public destroy ( $id )

gc() public method

public gc ( $maxlifetime = 300 )

getSessionIDs() public method

public getSessionIDs ( )

open() public method

public open ( $save_path = null, $session_name = null )

read() public method

public read ( $id )

trackGC() public method

Do garbage collection for session tracking information.
public trackGC ( )

write() public method

public write ( $id, $session_data )

Property Details

$_id protected_oe property

Current session ID.
protected string $_id
return string

$_memcache protected_oe property

Memcache object.
protected Horde_Memcache $_memcache
return Horde_Memcache

$_trackID protected_oe property

The ID used for session tracking.
protected string $_trackID
return string