PHP Class IMP_Maillog, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
显示文件 Open project: horde/horde

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$storage IMP_Maillog_Storage_Base Storage driver.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( IMP_Maillog_Storage_Base $storage ) Constructor.
deleteLog ( IMP_Maillog_Messages | array $msgs ) Delete log entries.
getChanges ( integer $ts ) : array Retrieve changes to the maillog since the provided timestamp.
getLog ( IMP_Maillog_Message $msg, array $types = [] ) : array Retrieve history for a message.
log ( mixed $msgs, IMP_Maillog_Log_Base $log ) Create a log entry.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( IMP_Maillog_Storage_Base $storage )
$storage IMP_Maillog_Storage_Base Storage driver.

deleteLog() public method

Delete log entries.
public deleteLog ( IMP_Maillog_Messages | array $msgs )
$msgs IMP_Maillog_Messages | array A list of message objects to delete.

getChanges() public method

Retrieve changes to the maillog since the provided timestamp.
public getChanges ( integer $ts ) : array
$ts integer Timestamp.
return array An array of messages (IMP_Maillog_Message objects) changed since the provided timestamp.

getLog() public method

Retrieve history for a message.
public getLog ( IMP_Maillog_Message $msg, array $types = [] ) : array
$msg IMP_Maillog_Message A message object.
$types array Return only these log types (IMP_Maillog_Log_Base class names). If empty, returns all types.
return array List of IMP_Maillog_Log_Base objects.

log() public method

Create a log entry.
public log ( mixed $msgs, IMP_Maillog_Log_Base $log )
$msgs mixed An IMP_Maillog_Message object (or an array of objects).
$log IMP_Maillog_Log_Base The log object.

Property Details

$storage public_oe property

Storage driver.
public IMP_Maillog_Storage_Base $storage
return IMP_Maillog_Storage_Base