PHP Class Kirki_Config, kirki

Inheritance: extends Kirki_Customizer
显示文件 Open project: aristath/kirki Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$capability string Capability (fields will inherit this).
$compiler array The compiler.
$config_final array The finalized configuration array.
$disable_output boolean Set to true if you want to completely disable any Kirki-generated CSS.
$id string The configuration ID.
$option_name string If we're using serialized options, then this is the global option name.
$option_type string The data-type we'll be using.

Public Methods

Method Description
get_config ( ) : array Returns the $config_final property
get_instance ( string $id = 'global', array $args = [] ) : Kirki_Config Use this method to get an instance of your config.

Private Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $id = 'global', array $args = [] ) The class constructor.

Method Details

get_config() public method

Returns the $config_final property
public get_config ( ) : array
return array

get_instance() public static method

Each config has its own instance of this object.
public static get_instance ( string $id = 'global', array $args = [] ) : Kirki_Config
$id string Config ID.
$args array { Optional. Arguments to override config defaults. @type string $capability @see @type string $option_type theme_mod or option. @type string $option_name If we want to used serialized options, this is where we'll be adding the option name. All fields using this config will be items in that array. @type array $compiler Not yet fully implemented @type bool $disable_output If set to true, no CSS will be generated from fields using this configuration. }
return Kirki_Config

Property Details

$capability protected_oe property

Capability (fields will inherit this).
protected string $capability
return string

$compiler protected_oe property

The compiler.
protected array $compiler
return array

$config_final protected_oe property

The finalized configuration array.
protected array $config_final
return array

$disable_output protected_oe property

Set to true if you want to completely disable any Kirki-generated CSS.
protected bool $disable_output
return boolean

$id protected_oe property

The configuration ID.
protected string $id
return string

$option_name protected_oe property

If we're using serialized options, then this is the global option name.
protected string $option_name
return string

$option_type protected_oe property

The data-type we'll be using.
protected string $option_type
return string