PHP Class OneLogin_Saml2_LogoutResponse

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$document DomDocument A DOMDocument class loaded from the SAML LogoutResponse.

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_logoutResponse string The decoded, unprocessed XML response provided to the constructor.
$_settings OneLogin_Saml2_Settings Object that represents the setting info

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( OneLogin_Saml2_Settings $settings, string | null $response = null ) Constructs a Logout Response object (Initialize params from settings and if provided load the Logout Response.
build ( string $inResponseTo ) Generates a Logout Response object.
getError ( ) * After execute a validation process, if fails this method returns the cause.
getIssuer ( ) : string | null Gets the Issuer of the Logout Response.
getResponse ( boolean | null $deflate = null ) : string Returns a Logout Response object.
getStatus ( ) : string Gets the Status of the Logout Response.
isValid ( string | null $requestId = null, boolean $retrieveParametersFromServer = false ) : boolean Determines if the SAML LogoutResponse is valid

Private Methods

Method Description
_query ( string $query ) : DOMNodeList Extracts a node from the DOMDocument (Logout Response Menssage)

Method Details

__construct() public method

Constructs a Logout Response object (Initialize params from settings and if provided load the Logout Response.
public __construct ( OneLogin_Saml2_Settings $settings, string | null $response = null )
$settings OneLogin_Saml2_Settings Settings.
$response string | null An UUEncoded SAML Logout response from the IdP.

build() public method

Generates a Logout Response object.
public build ( string $inResponseTo )
$inResponseTo string InResponseTo value for the Logout Response.

getError() public method

* After execute a validation process, if fails this method returns the cause.
public getError ( )

getIssuer() public method

Gets the Issuer of the Logout Response.
public getIssuer ( ) : string | null
return string | null $issuer The Issuer

getResponse() public method

Returns a Logout Response object.
public getResponse ( boolean | null $deflate = null ) : string
$deflate boolean | null Whether or not we should 'gzdeflate' the response body before we return it.
return string Logout Response deflated and base64 encoded

getStatus() public method

Gets the Status of the Logout Response.
public getStatus ( ) : string
return string The Status

isValid() public method

Determines if the SAML LogoutResponse is valid
public isValid ( string | null $requestId = null, boolean $retrieveParametersFromServer = false ) : boolean
$requestId string | null The ID of the LogoutRequest sent by this SP to the IdP
$retrieveParametersFromServer boolean
return boolean Returns if the SAML LogoutResponse is or not valid

Property Details

$_logoutResponse protected_oe property

The decoded, unprocessed XML response provided to the constructor.
protected string $_logoutResponse
return string

$_settings protected_oe property

Object that represents the setting info
protected OneLogin_Saml2_Settings $_settings
return OneLogin_Saml2_Settings

$document public_oe property

A DOMDocument class loaded from the SAML LogoutResponse.
public DomDocument $document
return DomDocument