PHP Class WPDKConfiguration

## Overview You rarely (never) instantiate WPDKConfiguration object directly. Instead, you instantiate subclasses of the WPDKConfiguration class. ### Getting started Write a your own custom class and extends WPDKConfiguration. For example: class MySettings extends WPDKConfiguration { } Implements your custom properties and your branch to other configuration class MySettings extends WPDKConfiguration { const CONFIGURATION_NAME = 'mysetting-config'; public $version = '1.0'; function __construct() { parent::__construct( self::CONFIGURATION_NAME ); } } You can implement this utility static method to get the configuration from database or create it onfly if missing or the first time. class MySettings extends WPDKConfiguration { const CONFIGURATION_NAME = 'mysetting-config'; public $version = '1.0'; static function init() { return parent::init( self::CONFIGURATION_NAME, __CLASS__ ); } function __construct() { parent::__construct( self::CONFIGURATION_NAME ); } } If you have a sub configuration branch, or subset of configuration, use: class MySettings extends WPDKConfiguration { const CONFIGURATION_NAME = 'mysetting-config'; public $version = '1.0'; My configuration branch public $branch; static function init() { return parent::init( self::CONFIGURATION_NAME, __CLASS__ ); } function __construct() { parent::__construct( self::CONFIGURATION_NAME ); $this->branch = new MyConfigurationBranch(); } } class MyConfigurationBranch { public $number_of_seat; function __construct() { $this->number_of_seat = 10; // Default value } } ### Reset to default values The code above shows how it possible reset all or a portion of your configuration. To reset a branch to default values just: $myconfiguration->branch = new MyConfigurationBranch(); If you like it possible implement a simple resetToDefault() method as: class MyConfigurationBranch { public $number_of_seat; function __construct() { $this->resetToDefault(); } function resetToDefault() { $this->number_of_seat = 10; // Default value } } ### Developing When you are in develop your settings change and the store object on db could be different from last develop version. No problem, you can invoke the delta() method to perform a delta from the database version and the onfly (last) version. This method usually is called on activation of plugin. In this way you can align the configuration setting just deactive and re active your plugin.
Deprecation: since 1.2.0 use WPDKPreferences instead
Since: 0.6.2
Author: =undo= ([email protected])
显示文件 Open project: wpxtreme/wpdk Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
delete ( ) Delete this configuration
delta ( ) : object Do a delta compare/combine from two tree object config
init ( ) public static function init( $name = null, $class_name = null ) {
update ( ) Update on database this configuration.

Protected Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $name ) Return an instance of WPDKConfiguration class

Method Details

__construct() protected method

Return an instance of WPDKConfiguration class
protected __construct ( string $name )
$name string A string used as name for options. Make it unique more possible.

delete() public method

Delete this configuration
public delete ( )

delta() public method

Do a delta compare/combine from two tree object config
public delta ( ) : object
return object

init() public static method

public static function init( $name = null, $class_name = null ) {
public static init ( )

update() public method

Update on database this configuration.
public update ( )