PHP Class Bitpay\Payout

Inheritance: implements bitpay\PayoutInterface
显示文件 Open project: bitpay/php-client

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$account_id string
$amount float
$btc float
$currency bitpay\CurrencyInterface
$effectiveDate string
$id string
$instructions array
$notificationEmail string
$notificationUrl string
$pricingMethod string
$rate string
$reference string
$requestDate string
$responseToken string
$status string
$token bitpay\TokenInterface

Public Methods

Method Description
addInstruction ( bitpay\PayoutInstructionInterface $instruction ) Add Instruction of PayoutInstructionInterface type Increases $this->amount by value.
getAccountId ( )
getAmount ( )
getBtcAmount ( )
getCurrency ( )
getEffectiveDate ( )
getId ( )
getInstructions ( )
getNotificationEmail ( )
getNotificationUrl ( )
getPricingMethod ( )
getRate ( ) Get rate assigned to payout at effectiveDate
getReference ( )
getRequestDate ( )
getResponseToken ( )
getStatus ( )
getToken ( )
setAccountId ( $id ) Set Account Id - Bitpays account ID for the payout.
setAmount ( $amount ) Sets the amount for this payout.
setBtcAmount ( $amount ) Set the Bitcoin amount for this payout, once set by Bitpay.
setCurrency ( bitpay\CurrencyInterface $currency ) Set Currency
setEffectiveDate ( $effectiveDate ) Set Effective date - date payout should be given to employees.
setId ( $id ) Set the batch ID as assigned from bitpay.
setNotificationEmail ( $notificationEmail ) Set an email address where updates to payout status should be sent.
setNotificationUrl ( $notificationUrl ) Set a notification url - where updated Payout objects will be sent
setPricingMethod ( $pricingMethod ) Set the pricing method for this payout request
setRate ( $rate ) Set the rate in bitcoin for the payouts of this transaction.
setReference ( $reference ) Set the payroll providers reference for this payout
setRequestDate ( $requestDate ) Set
setResponseToken ( $responseToken ) Set Response Token - returned by Bitpay when payout request is created
setStatus ( $status ) Sets the status for the current payout request
setToken ( bitpay\TokenInterface $token ) Set the token to authorize this request.
updateInstruction ( $index, $function, $argument ) Update Instruction - Supply an index of the instruction to update, plus the function and single argument, to do something to an instruction.

Method Details

addInstruction() public method

Add Instruction of PayoutInstructionInterface type Increases $this->amount by value.
public addInstruction ( bitpay\PayoutInstructionInterface $instruction )
$instruction bitpay\PayoutInstructionInterface

getAccountId() public method

public getAccountId ( )

getAmount() public method

public getAmount ( )

getBtcAmount() public method

public getBtcAmount ( )

getCurrency() public method

public getCurrency ( )

getEffectiveDate() public method

public getEffectiveDate ( )

getId() public method

public getId ( )

getInstructions() public method

public getInstructions ( )

getNotificationEmail() public method

getNotificationUrl() public method

public getNotificationUrl ( )

getPricingMethod() public method

public getPricingMethod ( )

getRate() public method

Get rate assigned to payout at effectiveDate
public getRate ( )

getReference() public method

public getReference ( )

getRequestDate() public method

public getRequestDate ( )

getResponseToken() public method

public getResponseToken ( )

getStatus() public method

public getStatus ( )

getToken() public method

public getToken ( )

setAccountId() public method

Set Account Id - Bitpays account ID for the payout.
public setAccountId ( $id )

setAmount() public method

Sets the amount for this payout.
public setAmount ( $amount )

setBtcAmount() public method

Set the Bitcoin amount for this payout, once set by Bitpay.
public setBtcAmount ( $amount )

setCurrency() public method

Set Currency
public setCurrency ( bitpay\CurrencyInterface $currency )
$currency bitpay\CurrencyInterface

setEffectiveDate() public method

Set Effective date - date payout should be given to employees.
public setEffectiveDate ( $effectiveDate )

setId() public method

Set the batch ID as assigned from bitpay.
public setId ( $id )

setNotificationEmail() public method

Set an email address where updates to payout status should be sent.
public setNotificationEmail ( $notificationEmail )

setNotificationUrl() public method

Set a notification url - where updated Payout objects will be sent
public setNotificationUrl ( $notificationUrl )

setPricingMethod() public method

Set the pricing method for this payout request
public setPricingMethod ( $pricingMethod )

setRate() public method

Set the rate in bitcoin for the payouts of this transaction.
public setRate ( $rate )

setReference() public method

Set the payroll providers reference for this payout
public setReference ( $reference )

setRequestDate() public method

public setRequestDate ( $requestDate )

setResponseToken() public method

Set Response Token - returned by Bitpay when payout request is created
public setResponseToken ( $responseToken )

setStatus() public method

Sets the status for the current payout request
public setStatus ( $status )

setToken() public method

Set the token to authorize this request.
public setToken ( bitpay\TokenInterface $token )
$token bitpay\TokenInterface

updateInstruction() public method

Update Instruction - Supply an index of the instruction to update, plus the function and single argument, to do something to an instruction.
public updateInstruction ( $index, $function, $argument )

Property Details

$account_id protected_oe property

protected string $account_id
return string

$amount protected_oe property

protected float $amount
return float

$btc protected_oe property

protected float $btc
return float

$currency protected_oe property

protected CurrencyInterface,bitpay $currency
return bitpay\CurrencyInterface

$effectiveDate protected_oe property

protected string $effectiveDate
return string

$id protected_oe property

protected string $id
return string

$instructions protected_oe property

protected array $instructions
return array

$notificationEmail protected_oe property

protected string $notificationEmail
return string

$notificationUrl protected_oe property

protected string $notificationUrl
return string

$pricingMethod protected_oe property

protected string $pricingMethod
return string

$rate protected_oe property

protected string $rate
return string

$reference protected_oe property

protected string $reference
return string

$requestDate protected_oe property

protected string $requestDate
return string

$responseToken protected_oe property

protected string $responseToken
return string

$status protected_oe property

protected string $status
return string

$token protected_oe property

protected TokenInterface,bitpay $token
return bitpay\TokenInterface