PHP Class Contao\TimePeriod

Inheritance: extends Widget
显示文件 Open project: contao/core-bundle

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$arrUnits array Units
$blnSubmitInput boolean Submit user input
$strTemplate string Template

Public Methods

Method Description
__set ( string $strKey, mixed $varValue ) Add specific attributes
generate ( ) : string Generate the widget and return it as string

Protected Methods

Method Description
isSelected ( array $arrOption ) : string Only check against the unit values (see #7246)
validator ( mixed $varInput ) : mixed Do not validate unit fields

Method Details

__set() public method

Add specific attributes
public __set ( string $strKey, mixed $varValue )
$strKey string
$varValue mixed

generate() public method

Generate the widget and return it as string
public generate ( ) : string
return string

isSelected() protected method

Only check against the unit values (see #7246)
protected isSelected ( array $arrOption ) : string
$arrOption array The options array
return string The "selected" attribute or an empty string

validator() protected method

Do not validate unit fields
protected validator ( mixed $varInput ) : mixed
$varInput mixed
return mixed

Property Details

$arrUnits protected_oe property

protected array $arrUnits
return array

$blnSubmitInput protected_oe property

Submit user input
protected bool $blnSubmitInput
return boolean

$strTemplate protected_oe property

protected string $strTemplate
return string