PHP Class Corcel\Password\PasswordService

显示文件 Open project: jgrossi/corcel Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( )
check ( string $password, string $hash, string | integer $user_id = '' ) : boolean Checks the plaintext password against the encrypted Password.
makeHash ( string $password ) : string Create a hash (encrypt) of a plain text password.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

check() public method

Maintains compatibility between old version and the new cookie authentication protocol using PHPass library. The $hash parameter is the encrypted password and the function compares the plain text password when encrypted similarly against the already encrypted password to see if they match. For integration with other applications, this function can be overwritten to instead use the other package password checking algorithm.
Since: 2.5.0
public check ( string $password, string $hash, string | integer $user_id = '' ) : boolean
$password string Plaintext user's password
$hash string Hash of the user's password to check against.
$user_id string | integer Optional. User ID.
return boolean False, if the $password does not match the hashed password

makeHash() public method

For integration with other applications, this function can be overwritten to instead use the other package password checking algorithm.
Since: 2.5.0
public makeHash ( string $password ) : string
$password string Plain text user password to hash
return string The hash string of the password