PHP Class DataSift\Storyplayer\OutputLib\OutputPlugin

显示文件 Open project: datasift/storyplayer

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( )
addOutputToFile ( string $filename ) : void
addOutputToStderr ( ) : void
addOutputToStdout ( ) : void
disableColourSupport ( ) : void
enableColourSupport ( ) : void
endPhase ( $phase, $phaseResult ) : void
endPhaseGroup ( $result ) : void
endStoryplayer ( $duration ) : void
enforceColourSupport ( ) : void
getWriter ( ) : OutputWriter
logCliError ( string $msg ) : void
logCliErrorWithException ( string $msg, Exception $e ) : void
logCliInfo ( string $msg ) : void
logCliWarning ( string $msg ) : void
logPhaseActivity ( string $msg ) : void
logPhaseError ( string $phaseName, string $msg ) : void
logPhaseSkipped ( string $phaseName, string $msg ) : void
logPhaseSubprocessOutput ( string $msg ) : void called when a story logs the (possibly partial) output from running a subprocess
logVardump ( string $name, $var ) : void
resetSilentMode ( ) : void
setSilentMode ( ) : void
startPhase ( $phase ) : void
startPhaseGroup ( $activity, $name ) : void
startStoryplayer ( string $version, string $url, string $copyright, string $license ) : void
write ( string $output, array | null $style = null ) : void
writeDuration ( float $duration, array | null $style = null ) : void

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

addOutputToFile() public method

public addOutputToFile ( string $filename ) : void
$filename string
return void

addOutputToStderr() public method

public addOutputToStderr ( ) : void
return void

addOutputToStdout() public method

public addOutputToStdout ( ) : void
return void

disableColourSupport() public method

public disableColourSupport ( ) : void
return void

enableColourSupport() public method

public enableColourSupport ( ) : void
return void

endPhase() abstract public method

abstract public endPhase ( $phase, $phaseResult ) : void
return void

endPhaseGroup() abstract public method

abstract public endPhaseGroup ( $result ) : void
return void

endStoryplayer() abstract public method

abstract public endStoryplayer ( $duration ) : void
return void

enforceColourSupport() public method

public enforceColourSupport ( ) : void
return void

getWriter() public method

public getWriter ( ) : OutputWriter
return OutputWriter

logCliError() abstract public method

abstract public logCliError ( string $msg ) : void
$msg string
return void

logCliErrorWithException() abstract public method

abstract public logCliErrorWithException ( string $msg, Exception $e ) : void
$msg string
$e Exception
return void

logCliInfo() abstract public method

abstract public logCliInfo ( string $msg ) : void
$msg string
return void

logCliWarning() abstract public method

abstract public logCliWarning ( string $msg ) : void
$msg string
return void

logPhaseActivity() abstract public method

abstract public logPhaseActivity ( string $msg ) : void
$msg string
return void

logPhaseError() abstract public method

abstract public logPhaseError ( string $phaseName, string $msg ) : void
$phaseName string
$msg string
return void

logPhaseSkipped() abstract public method

abstract public logPhaseSkipped ( string $phaseName, string $msg ) : void
$phaseName string
$msg string
return void

logPhaseSubprocessOutput() abstract public method

called when a story logs the (possibly partial) output from running a subprocess
abstract public logPhaseSubprocessOutput ( string $msg ) : void
$msg string the output to log
return void

logVardump() abstract public method

abstract public logVardump ( string $name, $var ) : void
$name string
return void

resetSilentMode() abstract public method

abstract public resetSilentMode ( ) : void
return void

setSilentMode() abstract public method

abstract public setSilentMode ( ) : void
return void

startPhase() abstract public method

abstract public startPhase ( $phase ) : void
return void

startPhaseGroup() abstract public method

abstract public startPhaseGroup ( $activity, $name ) : void
return void

startStoryplayer() abstract public method

abstract public startStoryplayer ( string $version, string $url, string $copyright, string $license ) : void
$version string
$url string
$copyright string
$license string
return void

write() public method

public write ( string $output, array | null $style = null ) : void
$output string
$style array | null
return void

writeDuration() public method

public writeDuration ( float $duration, array | null $style = null ) : void
$duration float
$style array | null
return void

Property Details

$writer protected_oe property

protected $writer