PHP Class Efficiently\AuthorityController\Parameters

显示文件 Open project: efficiently/authority-controller

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
add ( string $key, mixed $value ) : mixed Adds an item to the parameters.
all ( ) : array Get all of the parameters for the request.
except ( array $keys = null ) : array Get all of the input except for a specified array of items.
fillController ( Illuminate\Routing\Controller $controller ) Fill the $params property of the given Controller
get ( string $key, mixed $default = null ) : mixed Get an item from the parameters.
has ( string | array $key ) : boolean Determine if the request contains a given parameter item.
only ( array $keys = null ) : array Get a subset of the items from the parameters.

Protected Methods

Method Description
normalizeControllerName ( string $controller ) : string
specialInputKeys ( array $inputKeys = [] ) : array Returns all inputs keys who starts with an underscore character (_).

Method Details

add() public method

Adds an item to the parameters.
public add ( string $key, mixed $value ) : mixed
$key string Key to add value to.
$value mixed New data.
return mixed

all() public method

Get all of the parameters for the request.
public all ( ) : array
return array

except() public method

Get all of the input except for a specified array of items.
public except ( array $keys = null ) : array
$keys array
return array

fillController() public method

Fill the $params property of the given Controller
public fillController ( Illuminate\Routing\Controller $controller )
$controller Illuminate\Routing\Controller

get() public method

Get an item from the parameters.
public get ( string $key, mixed $default = null ) : mixed
$key string
$default mixed
return mixed

has() public method

Determine if the request contains a given parameter item.
public has ( string | array $key ) : boolean
$key string | array
return boolean

normalizeControllerName() protected method

protected normalizeControllerName ( string $controller ) : string
$controller string
return string

only() public method

Get a subset of the items from the parameters.
public only ( array $keys = null ) : array
$keys array
return array

specialInputKeys() protected method

For exmaple '_method' and '_token' inputs
protected specialInputKeys ( array $inputKeys = [] ) : array
$inputKeys array
return array

Property Details

$params protected_oe property

protected $params