PHP Class Elcodi\Component\User\Tests\UnitTests\Entity\Abstracts\AbstractUserTest

Inheritance: extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCas\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
显示文件 Open project: elcodi/elcodi

Public Methods

Method Description
dataSetPasswordWithException ( $value ) Data for testSetPasswordWithException.
gendersProvider ( ) : array
testGender ( integer $gender, integer $expected ) Test user genders.
testSetPassword ( ) Test set password method.
testSetPasswordWithException ( $value ) Test set password method with exception.
testSetPasswordWithoutException ( ) Test set password method without exception.

Method Details

dataSetPasswordWithException() public method

Data for testSetPasswordWithException.
public dataSetPasswordWithException ( $value )

gendersProvider() public method

public gendersProvider ( ) : array
return array

testGender() public method

Test user genders.
public testGender ( integer $gender, integer $expected )
$gender integer
$expected integer

testSetPassword() public method

Test set password method.
public testSetPassword ( )

testSetPasswordWithException() public method

Test set password method with exception.
public testSetPasswordWithException ( $value )

testSetPasswordWithoutException() public method

Test set password method without exception.