PHP Class Hostnet\Bundle\WebpackBundle\EventListener\RequestListener

Author: Harold Iedema ([email protected])
显示文件 Open project: hostnet/webpack-bundle

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( CacheGuard $guard ) Create the listener
onRequest ( GetResponseEvent $event ) On Request received check the validity of the webpack cache.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create the listener
public __construct ( CacheGuard $guard )
$guard Hostnet\Component\Webpack\Asset\CacheGuard Guards the cache and is able to rebuild/update it.

onRequest() public method

On Request received check the validity of the webpack cache.
public onRequest ( GetResponseEvent $event )
$event Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent the response to send to te browser, we don't we only ensure the cache is there.