PHP Class InfluxDB\Point

显示文件 Open project: influxdb/influxdb-php

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$fields array
$measurement string
$tags array
$timestamp string

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $measurement, float $value = null, array $tags = [], array $additionalFields = [], integer $timestamp = null ) The timestamp is optional. If you do not specify a timestamp the server’s local timestamp will be used
__toString ( )
getFields ( ) : array
getMeasurement ( ) : string
getTags ( ) : array
getTimestamp ( ) : string
setFields ( array $fields )
setMeasurement ( string $measurement )
setTags ( array $tags )
setTimestamp ( string $timestamp )

Private Methods

Method Description
addSlashes ( string $value ) : string Returns strings with space, comma, or equals sign characters backslashed per Influx write protocol syntax
arrayToString ( array $arr ) : string
escapeCharacters ( array $arr, boolean $escapeValues ) : array Escapes invalid characters in both the array key and optionally the array value
escapeFieldValue ( $value ) * Returns string double-quoted and double-quotes escaped per Influx write protocol syntax
isValidTimeStamp ( integer $timestamp ) : boolean

Method Details

__construct() public method

The timestamp is optional. If you do not specify a timestamp the server’s local timestamp will be used
public __construct ( string $measurement, float $value = null, array $tags = [], array $additionalFields = [], integer $timestamp = null )
$measurement string
$value float
$tags array
$additionalFields array
$timestamp integer

__toString() public method

public __toString ( )

getFields() public method

public getFields ( ) : array
return array

getMeasurement() public method

public getMeasurement ( ) : string
return string

getTags() public method

public getTags ( ) : array
return array

getTimestamp() public method

public getTimestamp ( ) : string
return string

setFields() public method

public setFields ( array $fields )
$fields array

setMeasurement() public method

public setMeasurement ( string $measurement )
$measurement string

setTags() public method

public setTags ( array $tags )
$tags array

setTimestamp() public method

public setTimestamp ( string $timestamp )
$timestamp string

Property Details

$fields protected_oe property

protected array $fields
return array

$measurement protected_oe property

protected string $measurement
return string

$tags protected_oe property

protected array $tags
return array

$timestamp protected_oe property

protected string $timestamp
return string