PHP Class Learner\Services\Forms\AbstractFormService

显示文件 Open project: RryLee/

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$attributes array The Model's attributes aliases.
$inputData array The input data of the current request.
$messages array Array of custom validation messages.
$rules array The validation rules to validate the input data against.
$validator Illuminate\Validation\Validator The validator instance.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) AbstractForm constructor.
getAttributes ( ) : array Get the custom attributes aliases.
getErrors ( ) : Illuminate\Support\MessageBag Get the validation errors off of the Validator instance.
getInputData ( ) : array Get the prepared input data.
isValid ( ) : boolean Check whether the input data is valid.

Protected Methods

Method Description
getMessages ( ) : array Get the custom validation messages.
getRules ( ) : array Get the prepared validation rules.

Method Details

__construct() public method

AbstractForm constructor.
public __construct ( )

getAttributes() public method

Get the custom attributes aliases.
public getAttributes ( ) : array
return array

getErrors() public method

Get the validation errors off of the Validator instance.
public getErrors ( ) : Illuminate\Support\MessageBag
return Illuminate\Support\MessageBag

getInputData() public method

Get the prepared input data.
public getInputData ( ) : array
return array

getMessages() protected method

Get the custom validation messages.
protected getMessages ( ) : array
return array

getRules() protected method

Get the prepared validation rules.
protected getRules ( ) : array
return array

isValid() public method

Check whether the input data is valid.
public isValid ( ) : boolean
return boolean

Property Details

$attributes protected_oe property

The Model's attributes aliases.
protected array $attributes
return array

$inputData protected_oe property

The input data of the current request.
protected array $inputData
return array

$messages protected_oe property

Array of custom validation messages.
protected array $messages
return array

$rules protected_oe property

The validation rules to validate the input data against.
protected array $rules
return array

$validator protected_oe property

The validator instance.
protected Validator,Illuminate\Validation $validator
return Illuminate\Validation\Validator