PHP Class Neos\Flow\Tests\Unit\Persistence\Generic\DataMapperTest

Inheritance: extends Neos\Flow\Tests\UnitTestCase
显示文件 Open project: neos/flow-development-collection

Public Methods

Method Description
mapArrayCreatesExpectedArray ( )
mapArrayMapsNestedArray ( )
mapDateTimeCreatesDateTimeFromTimestamp ( )
mapSplObjectStorageCreatesSplObjectStorage ( )
mapToObjectReconstitutesExpectedObjectAndRegistersItWithIdentityMapToObjects ( ) Test that an object is reconstituted, registered with the identity map and memorizes it's clean state.
mapToObjectReturnsObjectFromIdentityMapIfAvailable ( )
mapToObjectThrowsExceptionOnEmptyInput ( )
mapToObjectsMapsArrayToObjectByCallingMapToObject ( )
thawPropertiesAssignsMetadataToTheProxyIfItExists ( ) After thawing the properties, metadata in the object data will be set as a special proxy property.
thawPropertiesAssignsTheUuidToTheProxy ( ) After thawing the properties, the nodes' uuid will be available in the identifier property of the proxy class.
thawPropertiesDelegatesHandlingOfArraysAndObjects ( )
thawPropertiesFollowsOrderOfGivenObjectData ( )
thawPropertiesSetsPropertyValues ( )
thawPropertiesSkipsPropertiesNoLongerInClassSchema ( ) If a property has been removed from a class old data still in the persistence must be skipped when reconstituting.

Method Details

mapArrayCreatesExpectedArray() public method

mapArrayMapsNestedArray() public method

mapDateTimeCreatesDateTimeFromTimestamp() public method

mapSplObjectStorageCreatesSplObjectStorage() public method

mapToObjectReconstitutesExpectedObjectAndRegistersItWithIdentityMapToObjects() public method

Test that an object is reconstituted, registered with the identity map and memorizes it's clean state.

mapToObjectReturnsObjectFromIdentityMapIfAvailable() public method

mapToObjectThrowsExceptionOnEmptyInput() public method

mapToObjectsMapsArrayToObjectByCallingMapToObject() public method

thawPropertiesAssignsMetadataToTheProxyIfItExists() public method

After thawing the properties, metadata in the object data will be set as a special proxy property.

thawPropertiesAssignsTheUuidToTheProxy() public method

After thawing the properties, the nodes' uuid will be available in the identifier property of the proxy class.

thawPropertiesDelegatesHandlingOfArraysAndObjects() public method

thawPropertiesFollowsOrderOfGivenObjectData() public method

See also:

thawPropertiesSetsPropertyValues() public method

thawPropertiesSkipsPropertiesNoLongerInClassSchema() public method

If a property has been removed from a class old data still in the persistence must be skipped when reconstituting.