PHP Class Neos\Neos\Controller\Backend\BackendController

Inheritance: extends Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller\ActionController
显示文件 Open project: neos/neos-development-collection

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$backendRedirectionService Neos\Neos\Service\BackendRedirectionService
$currentSession Neos\Flow\Session\SessionInterface
$linkingService Neos\Neos\Service\LinkingService
$loginTokenCache Neos\Cache\Frontend\StringFrontend
$xliffService Neos\Neos\Service\XliffService

Public Methods

Method Description
indexAction ( ) : void Default action of the backend controller.
switchSiteAction ( Site $site ) : void Redirects to the Neos backend on the given site, passing a one-time login token
xliffAsJsonAction ( string $locale ) : string Returns the cached json array with the xliff labels

Method Details

indexAction() public method

Default action of the backend controller.
public indexAction ( ) : void
return void

switchSiteAction() public method

Redirects to the Neos backend on the given site, passing a one-time login token
public switchSiteAction ( Site $site ) : void
$site Neos\Neos\Domain\Model\Site
return void

xliffAsJsonAction() public method

Returns the cached json array with the xliff labels
public xliffAsJsonAction ( string $locale ) : string
$locale string
return string

Property Details

$backendRedirectionService protected_oe property

protected BackendRedirectionService,Neos\Neos\Service $backendRedirectionService
return Neos\Neos\Service\BackendRedirectionService

$currentSession protected_oe property

protected SessionInterface,Neos\Flow\Session $currentSession
return Neos\Flow\Session\SessionInterface

$linkingService protected_oe property

protected LinkingService,Neos\Neos\Service $linkingService
return Neos\Neos\Service\LinkingService

$loginTokenCache protected_oe property

protected StringFrontend,Neos\Cache\Frontend $loginTokenCache
return Neos\Cache\Frontend\StringFrontend

$xliffService protected_oe property

protected XliffService,Neos\Neos\Service $xliffService
return Neos\Neos\Service\XliffService